Chapter 12

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I'm back, here is your fluffy honeymoon fic

creds to Rick

Annabeth's POV:

Annabeth and Percy walked into the Ariston Hotel in Athens. They had had an early morning flight and had landed just a couple of hours ago.

Annabeth looked around, taking all of it in. The grand windows on the side offered a gorgeous view of the city. The style of it wasn't quite Athenian but not American. And the overall architecture was just-

Percy chuckled at her. She could hear the tiredness in his voice. Percy hated planes and being on one for roughly 9 hours wasn't his forte. "You good?"

Annabeth smiled at him and nodded, "Of course I'm good."

"You were mumbling things about the architecture to yourself."

She blushed, "Oh, sorry."

He kissed her softly on her temple. "Don't worry about it."

They walked over to the front desk, dragging their suitcases with them. A woman who looked to be in her late thirties gave a short smile to them. She looked bored and slightly annoyed, but was trying to push through the rest of her day.

Much to Annabeth's liking, she spoke English (with a very heavy accent). "Hello," she said.

Annabeth smiled, "Hi, we booked one of the honeymoon suites."

The woman stared at them, looking them over. "How old are you?"

Annabeth's face flushed slightly, but not super noticeably. "Nineteen, ma'am."

She nodded her head slowly and gave another short, forced smile. "Well congratulations." The woman looked at her computer and began to type things in. Under her breath, Annabeth caught her mumbling things to herself... in Greek.

"Prépei na échei chtypitheí (must've been knocked up)," she muttered.

Annabeth and Percy both looked at each other, then at the woman. Annabeth said, "Excuse me?" To this woman's surprise, it wasn't in English.

(In Greek) "You speak Greek?" the woman said, shocked.

Annabeth nodded, "Yes, I do. And for your information, I am not pregnant."

She gave an alarming smile, "Of course." She slid two room keys across the desk. "Room 341. Enjoy your stay."

Annabeth grabbed both of them and walked off into the hotel, Percy right by her.


"Well for the record, most people don't think you are pregnant."

Annabeth chucked the nearest thing she could at him, which happened to be a T.V. remote. Percy leaned to the side, barely missing it. "And what is that supposed to mean?" she asked.

Percy slowly walked over to her cautiously. He brushed a hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear. "It means, don't listen to the woman."

Annabeth rolled her eyes and walked back over to her suitcase, pulling out a pair of pajamas and setting them on the bed. "I need to call Thalia, it's her birthday."

Percy also started to sort through his things. "I'll call her with you."

Annabeth scoffed, "You saying that surprises me."

He shrugged, grabbing a pair of gym shorts. "I mean she's my cousin, and 'friend.'"

Annabeth nodded. "I'm gonna call my dad too. He said he was gonna come..."

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