Chapter 16

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*IMPORTANT* Username will be changing to the same as my instagram @greek.sophie.pjo TOMORROW OR TODAY!!! Now here is a much awaited chapter ;)

Rights to Rick Riordan

One year later

Annabeth's POV:

From that point on, their relationship had been almost flawless. They rarely fought and were in agreement more often. Percy was always there to give her a hug or sweet kiss when she had a bad day and she became more cautious of her words.

To make it better, the extension of camp, New Greece, had been started. There was a small hospital for situations beyond what the infirmary could do, a few shops and the best part, a small neighborhood for grown campers. The first 3 cabins were going to her and Percy, then Katie and Travis, and finally Chris and Clarisse.

Another thing, Katie and Travis had been married for a few months now. They had a small wedding with very few people but it was quite sweet. Clarisse and Chris had eloped two days ago after Clarisse said she didn't want to wear a dress or have a big wedding. Chris was, of course, fine with it. They were on a short honeymoon of sorts down south.

Annabeth had been feeling low on energy lately and with all of her work and college, Percy had demanded she take things easy. She had taken a couple days off from designing before resuming it again. Of course when she was up till 3 o'clock in the morning, Percy had made sure she wasn't working past 10.

But that had been a week ago. She had continued to feel irritable and tired, all of which Percy had dealt with. She blamed it on her workload at first, until her period was late.

Sure after she went off birth control it had been slightly irregular, but something about it felt wrong. Which led her to the present.

She sat apprehensively on the bathroom floor of cabin 3, a pregnancy test developing on the counter. She thanked the gods that Percy was out teaching a class. There was a timer on her phone that was set for 3 minutes, which so far had been the longest 3 minutes of her life.

It finally rang, interrupting the silence of the cabin. She shut it off and took a shaky breath. Annabeth stood up slowly, scared of the results.

She carefully picked it up, not looking at it. She held it in front of her and took a deep breath. This is it, she thought.

She slowly glanced down. She froze. It was positive.

Annabeth set it back on the counter in disbelief. She was pregnant, there was a baby inside of her. Her and Percy were going to have a child.

Another thought hit her like a freight train. Oh my gods I'm having Percy Jackson's baby.

She allowed herself to smile at that. It went away quickly. What would Percy think? She knew what her mom would think, that was another issue. Not to mention she was 20, so was Percy. They were still in college—

She pushed those thoughts away. This was supposed to be a good thing. She could stress about it later.

She opened the bathroom door, taking the test with her. She hid it in the bottom of her dresser, making sure it was concealed. She grabbed a drachma and went back to the bathroom sink. She decided to tell Thalia first, then Percy.


A few days later

Annabeth took a slow breath. The Romans had come to camp to stay for a week or two. Percy had spent a lot of time catching up with Frank and Hazel and the rest of their friends. She didn't see him as much because of it, but he did take time to see her.

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