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I'm super sorry about how late this is my loves. Alot of stuff happened which is all I can really say. Love you all for being so patient. I'll try to be a bit more consistent.

I opened my eyes I was still in Bakugou's room. I could feel his warm chest flesh up against mine. As he played with my hair. Had I just imagined all that before? Had I really imagined all that pain. Well that didn't matter now.

"I'm worried about you." Bakugou said to me as he held my face in his hands. As he kissed me softly on my lips. I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck as he filtered his hands through my hair.

"What is there to be worried about." I chuckled. Hugging him tightly never wishing to let go ever again. His arms instinctively wrap around me.

"Your fever's getting worse." He muttered, kissing my forehead.

"What fever I feel-." Like that the room seemed to disappear around me. As I felt myself being ripped from Katsuki's arms. I woke up my body shooting from the bed as I caught my breath. Looking around the room. I quickly realized where I was.

As I was becoming more aware of my surroundings. I realized that a pair of arms were wrapped around my waist. Looking down I realized Midoriya was cuddling against me. Slowly I pulled away from him, careful not to wake him up.

I see my phone on the side table next to Midoriya's Allmight themed alarm clock. Quickly I check my notifications. Everything still felt a bit hazy in my mind but I let it go. Nothing seems out of the ordinary really. I heard shuffling beside me.

"Morning Todoroki- Kun how are you feeling ." Midoryia gets close to my face. I shifted back before realizing he was checking my temperature and leaning into his hand.

"Uh Midoriya, how did I get here exactly."I asked as his hand was removed from my forehead.

"I brought you here of course!" He answered cheerfully. I felt a tingle down my spine. I don't know if it was just me or the all the all-might merchandise. That seemed to be staring at me. Or the fact that Izuku seemed oddly touchy. His hand rested on top of mine. Seeming to be trailing higher every time I noticed it.

I excused myself wandering into the bathroom.
Standing in the bathroom I still felt weary of the situation hoping this was another part of my dream and the world would fade away. Then once again I'd be secured in his arms. But this seemed to be the real deal. I wrapped my arms around my body. Sinking into the floor. I was pathetic, this was pathetic.

Walking out of the bathroom Midoriya bombarded me with questions. All of which I never got to answer as he shoved food in my face telling me to eat. It was simple porridge. I sat quietly on his bed as I ate. While he sat beside me seeming very interested in my eating.

"Was it good Todoroki did you like it?" He asked directly after I put the last bite in my mouth.

"Yea I liked it." Was all I said. He had a sort of gleam in his eye when he smiled. A pink blush dusting his cheeks.

"Hey Todoroki-Kun I was wondering if you'd come to the cafe with me. Once you get better of course." He stumbled over his words frantically.
"Since you kinda ditched us last time and all." He mumbled low this time.

"Yea, of course Midoriya, sorry about that something came up." I mumbled the last part looking away.

"Also I wanted to ask about the scars." He whispered in a weary voice.

I snap my head around quickly "The what." I barked as he seemed to shrink into himself.

"Well I didn't mean to look it's just- I -I happened to see them and I just-." He stuttered profusely over his words
But I wasn't here for any of it.

"Thanks for Taking care of me Izuku but I think I'm gonna go." He opened his mouth to say something but he didn't. He just fiddled with his fingers as he watched me grab my things. Before I could leave he yelled.

"Do they have something to do with Kacchan because-."

"What's between me and Katsuki has nothing to do with you." I corrected slamming the door behind me as I walked out. I know I was being a bit harsh mostly because I was angry. Angry at a lot of things I couldn't control. I'd have to apologize tomorrow for how rude I was being. I shouldn't even be taking my anger out on Midoriya. I promptly walked back to my room.

When I got back to my room. I slept for what felt like days. Which in reality it was only a couple hours. I then laid in bed and thought. I thought about lots of things. About Bakugou about izuku about things I haven't thought about in years. When I got hungry I'd just make some ice cubes to eat. I was much too lazy to eat anyway.

I thought until my brain refused to think anymore. Then my phone buzzed.

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