|| Running Out of Time ||

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Hey...so I totally forgot about this account and Wattpad for awhile but I'm back 🥲. Um I'm probably going to be posting more but with shorter chapters. But anyways enjoy?

*Forehead kisses*

21 Days Remaining

It's like the universe wanted me to be upset.
To remind me how this all started in the first place that stupid contract. I shouldn't have let him in that night. I should have just let him wander to someone else's dorm that night.

Or maybe I shouldn't have let my stupid crush cloud my mind it was stupid. It was going just fine until he just flipped out on me. I still miss him.
But it doesn't matter anyway. He's done with me. That stupid contract doesn't mean anything anymore.


It was stupid I know it was stupid but I was already here. Standing in front of the door like a creep. I don't know what I expected from it. I didn't even know what I was doing. Was I going to be happy with the outcome? Probably not but I just needed to-

"The hell are you doing?" he snapped from behind me.

"I- I"

" I thought you already had your fun what are you coming back for round two" he growled



"Baku- I."

"I'm sick and tired of your mind games. But I was the one who fell for it. LAUGH ALL YOU WANT YOU FUCKING BASTARD."

"What are you talking about?" Tears fell from my eyes.

"YOUR STUPID GAME YOUR JUST A FUCKING LIAR. IM FUCKING I'm fucking stupid." His bite slowly faded.

"What game are you talking about?" My tears burned my cheeks. He whispered something under his breath.

"I THOUGHT YOU HAD FEELINGS FOR ME OKAY! I KNOW IT WAS STUPID I JUST THOUGHT....never mind fuck you fuck this. You could never love someone like me." He walked to the door just as he was about to close it behind him.

" I do have feelings for you, I do.." My heart ached, he was leaving. But the door hadn't closed. He just stood there. His back to me. I could've sworn I heard a chuckle.

"Don't cry anymore, I hate seeing you cry." He spoke softly, a voice I knew so well. He closed the door behind him. Leaving me in the empty hallway. It was so embarrassing how anyone could have heard us.

But I just walked back to my dorm wiping my tears. Smiling just a little bit.

Baku bitches pov:

I breathed in deeply. Letting my head fall back against my door. I couldn't help but chuckle. Maybe even a smile. It was a weird feeling like little explosions in my stomach.
It was disgusting but it also felt...nice. I don't know.

"He has feelings for me," I whispered it like a question.
"That fucking weird bastard actually likes me.

I couldn't help but feel bad. It was all making sense to me now. But it still made me uncomfortable. He made me so soft so easily it was scary. But when I realized it all, it seemed stupid.
That a stuck-up pretty boy liked me. It couldn't have been true, it had to be a joke I was falling for.

I walked and laid on my bed.
"Fuck what the hell am I supposed to do now."

My stomach still felt weird, to be honest, I didn't know how to feel. I could only think about the times I held him in my arms. When he cried into my chest and the strange feeling I had to protect him.

Seeing him cry made my heartache even when I was sure he was lying to me. It made me feel weak. I hated that feeling. It made me soft, it made me vulnerable but I'd do it all over again for him.

Love is stupid and disgusting and it makes you weak. I hate love but for some reason my heart still loves him.

"Fuck. I-I guess I'll do it."

So I went to the only person who could help me.


"BAKUBRO YOU WANT TO APOLOGIZE TO SOME-"he screamed. Before I covered his mouth.

"SHUT THE HELL UP LOUDMOUTH. The whole fucking campus can hear you." I removed my hands slowly.

"Bakubro, this is so exciting." Tears welled up in his eyes.

"What the hell are you babbling about shitty hair?"

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