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Hi babies you guys are insane for getting this to 7k reads. I never thought anyone would read this. Anyway here's the new chapter I made it a bit longer than normal so enjoy.

Midoriya sat quietly taking his hand from Shoto's cheek and holding him tightly. They didn't speak. Todoroki's breathing slowed as the green-haired boy held on to him. He felt a lot calmer than before. Izuku filtered his fingers through the half-toned hair.

"Are you okay now Todo-" Midoriya noticed Shoto was now asleep. Calmly he picked him up which was surprisingly easy.
"Todoroki-Kun what happened to you?" Deku whispered mostly to himself. As he calmly pushed Todo's hair from his face. He's never seen Shoto this emotional before let alone crying. It broke his heart to see one of his closest friends crying. By this time the rest of class 1-A was in the hall. All eyes immediately shot to Midoriya who held a sleeping Todoroki.

Momo ran up to him. "What happened is he okay?"

"I think so, I found him on the bathroom floor... crying." He whispered the end bit.

Bakugou's POV

That half and half bastard looked bad. Not that I cared he'd been crying I could tell.
That makeup couldn't fool me much anymore. I turned around and walked back to my dorm. Nobody seemed to notice but still, I worried about him. I tried hard to force him from my brain but my heart wouldn't let me.

I sucked my teeth slamming my door behind me. What was that idiot crying for anyway? I took a shower hoping the hot water would burn him from my mind. Dinner consisted of nothing but instant noodles. I haven't eaten properly since Shoto cooked for me. But he tricked me. He lied to me. I thought he had feelings but no he's nothing but a liar.

I know he tricked me into falling for him. That day I know he went to his dorm and laughed at me. Dammit, I slammed my fist into my desk. Breathing deeply I sat down to do my homework.  But still, my mind filled with him. After a while, I heard faint knocks on my door.

I ignored them for a while. Hoping they would just go away. I was already fucking annoyed I didn't have time to deal with some fucking extras. But the knocking was persistent and getting louder. So finally I went to the door and opened it.


"Kacchan, Shhh." Deku jumped covering my mouth with his disgusting hands.

"Get your dirty ass hand off me Deku what the fuck do you want."  I sorta whisper-yelled.

"So-I umm.."

"What the hell do you want." I growled, grabbing Deku's shirt collar."

"Well Todoroki-Kun isn't sleeping very well and he keeps calling your name. I don't know what to do..."

"So you are coming to me with problems with icy hot. Bet your in on his little joke too." I huffed, slamming the door on Deku's face. I stood with my back leaned back against the door.

"What's that idiot calling my name for," I whispered to myself. I swung the door open again. To find Deku just as he was Turning away.

"Fine idiot I'll help your dumbass but this isn't because I'm nice." The dumbass flashed a quick grateful smile.


"So here he is," Deku said, guiding his hand toward that stupid half and half bastard. Who looked uncomfortable. Rolling and shuffling in his bed. Deku ran to his side.

"I shouldn't have left you alone, your fevers getting worse."  He said cupping Todoroki's cheek. Like he was his mom or something.

Shoto whispered in his sleep. His hand around Midoriya's. For some reason seeing this made me irrationally angry. I wanted to kill that green-haired bitch right then and there.

"Okay, I'm here now what the fuck do you want," I muttered barking.

"Kacchan please don't yell Todoroki-Kun is sick." I walked to his side. Shoto looked worse than before. He was unbelievably pale. The dark circles under his eyes. We're deeper and heavier.
He looked dead, to be honest.

"What the hell am I supposed to do about it, give him some medicine or something. I'm leaving." As I turned away. Midori grabbed my shoulder looking down at the ground.

"Look I tried okay! But he won't listen to me. I know you hate everybody and everything but he'll only listen to you." As Deku spoke, his grip tightened on my shoulder.

"Fine, I'll help him just get out." I whispered still facing away from him."

"What N-."

"I won't kill him okay. I'll get him to take the medicine, just leave."

"Okay but if any-."

"Just fucking leave he'll be fine," The weirdo walked slowly from the room. Keeping his eyes on me like I'd try something, before closing the door.

I kneeled quietly next to him. Shaking him awake a little. " Oy, Icy hot bastard wake up and take your medicine."
Todoroki placed his hand on my face.

"Master?"  I sighed deeply, staring at Icyhot again.

"Yes...it's me."

"Im-I'm sorry for making you angry."He whispered

"Whatever it doesn't matter. Just take your medicine so I can go."

"So you're still mad at me," Shoto whined a little. This made the blond annoyed he didn't have time for his stupid games. Especially not sick and loopy Todoroki.

"Fucking idiot just take your meds," Bakugou yelled. Shoto turned his head avoiding the medicine.

"I'll take the meds if you kiss me," Shoto whispered, rubbing his eyes.

"Are you fucking serious Icyhot I don't have time for your bullshit? You already had your fun just take the meds or I'm walking out right now."

"If I take them, do I get a kiss?" Todoroki honestly sounded like a drunk.  Bakugou was way too tired for this. Tired of everything.

"You know what? Sure just take them so I can leave." Bakugou closed his eyes and huffed quietly. He was tired of this fucking weird, emotional, kinky bastard. Playing with him and his feelings he was tired of all of it.

Shoto sat up popping two pills in his mouth. Before smiling at the explosive boy. He pulled Bakugou to his lips. Kissing him sweetly. His head was pounding but he missed this. Bakugou gripped the back of his head, kissing him deeper. Before pulling away.

"Happy now?"

•Deku's Pov•

It's not that I didn't trust Kacchan okay that's a lie. I don't trust Kacchan, especially with my precious Todoroki-Kun. I thought it was weird when.

Shoto started calling Kacchan's name in his sleep. Almost like he was longing for him. It also annoyed me when he would take any of the medication I tried to give him. He always said: "He'll be madder at me if I take it he has to give it to me."
It was weird and suspicious even.

Now that I think about it, I've seen Shoto stared a lot at a Kacchan during class. What was their relationship? Was he the reason Shoto was crying?
I heard the door close behind me.

"What have you done to my precious Todoroki-Kun." I snapped around to see Kacchan and his hair looked a little messy.

"Alright, Fucking Deku he took the meds I'm leaving now."

•Bakugou's POV•

I closed Deku's Door, testing my head against the wood.

"Damn it! I fell for it again

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