||The Questioning||

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Hi babies I'm trying to get a lot of shorter chapters out so I can post more frequently please enjoy!!

I scribbled some things down in my notebook. Could Todoroki be being abused like I was? Could Kacchan have taken it that far to leave all those marks. Maybe there's something else going on here. I scribbled harder into the paper. Writing Shoto and Kacchan's names connecting them with a line. Drawing concentric circles around it.

I slammed my pencil down. Everything on my desk trembled with frustration.
But what was the connection here? Why would he target Todoroki? It was hurting my head. I couldn't come up with anything.
I've been thinking a lot since Todoroki-Kun left. He got really defensive when I brought up those bruises and Kacchan. So there had to be something there, something I didn't know about. I know some people might call it being nosy but I'm just curious.

Curious for the well being of my friend.
I paced around my room for a while trying to figure out some sort of explanation for it all. But maybe I was just making something out of nothing. But something deep in my stomach told me that wasn't it. Or maybe I was just hungry.

I put my investigation on hold while I went to get a snack. I walk into the common room, my head still a bit cloudy. I didn't know what to think. Was I missing something or was I just being dramatic?

I walked into the common room still mostly in my head. Before I bumped into someone.
"Oh I'm so sorry Momo-Chan." I squeaked, blushing intensely. Wait, she was close with my Todoroki. She must know something. The thought clicked in my brain.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" She chuckled at my question.

"Yea sure midoriya what is it?" She asked her head cocking to the side.

"Have you noticed anything...weird going on with m- I mean Todoroki?"

"Mm no not really other than the fact that he just disappeared for a couple days like a week ago. He worries me sometimes." She said, shaking her head.

"Oh okay thanks." I said, mumbling, completely forgetting my snack and heading back up to my room. What happened to Todoroki's those days he was gone. Now I thought about it when everyone was asking him. Why he left, Kacchan just sat in his seat unbothered. While Shoto would glance in his direction.
So he has to have some part in this. But what was he getting out of this? Shoto had a quirk, a good one too, so he could defend himself.

"What could it be? What could it be?" I mumbled to myself opening my dorm door.
"Maybe Kacchans got some dirt on him. Maybe he's blackmailing him but what could he be getting out of it?"
I sat on my bed and continued to think upon my discoveries.
Kirishima's POV

Baku-Bro has been weirder than usual and less snappy. I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who's noticed. It's been like this for a couple of days. He's been acting strangely. Ever since he asked me to help him with his apology. To someone but who.
It was making my brain hurt.


"Huh- what" I jumped a little.

"Dude we've been calling you for like 5 minutes." Denki looks concerned.

"Yea are you okay, muscle head." Mina looks over ruffling my hair.

"Yea guys I'm fine." I laugh it off.

"Are you sure?" Mina asked, looking concerned.

"Yes I'm fine, I'm just thinking about something." I whispered absentmindedly.

"Ooo about what." Denki asks.

"Nothing." I whisper.

"awww come on Kiri, don't keep secrets from us." Sero adds as they're all invested now.

"I don't know guys.." I say hesitantly.

What do we think about the cliffhangers?🤔

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