|| Here Alone ||

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\(`0')/ An update after like forever??!?? Enjoys lovely's *Big Hugs*

Bakugo's POV

It's been days since the incident in front of my door. I've only thrown myself deeper into my studies and training. He could tell I was avoiding him but if it affected him he didn't show it. The situation only left lingering questions about what to do.

I'd spent days scratching at my brain to find some way to explain that I was wrong for reacting the way I did. I needed to apologize somehow, so I could earn his forgiveness. For the fucked up way I interpreted this weird situation.

It was the weekend now and everyone began to pack up all their shit for the weekend to see their parents. Mine just happened to be out of the country on business negotiations. So I didn't have plans to leave until tomorrow. I just to go home to do laundry because the dorm laundry detergent sucks and ruined the fabric of my favorite t-shirts.

I stayed in the common area after school. Hoping to catch a glimpse of him before he went off for the weekend. Silently in a mix of people watching and finishing up some weekend homework.

"You take care of yourself okay BakuBro," Shittyshima said patting me with a goofy smile.

"I'll be fine idiot I can take care of myself." I shoved his hands off me as I went back to scrolling through my phone on the couch. During the week shitty, hair has been giving me advice on this whole fucking apology thing.

After getting over his initial shock he was pretty helpful. Mostly saying some shit along the lines of being sincere and considerate. I could do that. I didn't think the little peppermint hated me or anything. I mean he showed up at my door like a little lost puppy.  But then I yelled at him and made him cry like a dumbass.

My father constantly told me that I was a little harsh when it came to emotions and empathy. That sometimes it's okay to be vulnerable with other people. I never thought anything like that would be necessary for me. That being soft with people was how shitty idiots like Deku got hurt. But it looks like I caused more damage by being so closed off.

Despite my whole selfish rampage and ignoring the half-and-half idiot. I wanted to at least see him just catch a glimpse of him. He was usually one of the last to leave.

The last I saw of him was after training he told Round Cheeks that he needed to start cleaning up. So once the sun started to set I gravitated towards the couch and watched one by one everyone set off for the weekend. Yet the little peppermint prince was nowhere to be found. I did for a second entertain the idea that maybe I had missed him on his way out.

Maybe he'd left earlier than usual, or maybe he'd snuck past me while I was absorbed in the football (Soccer) Game on my phone. But even with those odds I still waited. I waited until the sun had fallen from its place in the sky and the moon had come to take over for the night. Yet still no sign of him anywhere.

I decided there was no use in waiting. Maybe I had missed him and he just left earlier today. I stretched walking towards my elevator. Before promptly bumping into someone.

"Watch it, idiot. Maybe if you kept your nose out of that stupid journal you'd be able to see where you're going." I yelled.

" Ka-chan it was an accident." The little idiot mumbled. He didn't have any bags with him. Just clad in some old shorts and a T-shirt.

"Why aren't you heading out idiot the last train is probably on its way." I worried mostly for Auntie she probably got bored and lonely without this little shithead home on the weekends. I need to make plans to visit.

"Me and a couple of others are staying back this weekend to study. Plus w-why are you here so late." His answer intrigued me. Maybe there was a bit of hope for me after all. Hope for what I didn't know but I had a newfound sense of energy.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21 ⏰

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