||The Second Act||

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Sorry for taking a bit longer than usual. T-T School is kicking my ass. I'm on break so I might post a chapter soon.hope y'all enjoy it. :)

I pull back from his face. Moving my hands into my lap. I remembered his scars, the sheer amount of them. Bruises cuts some deep, some shallow, burn scars that trailed his limbs. I winced at the pain I know he went through to get them. He looked so pale without the makeup on, so frail and skinny.

My eyes trailed to the floor.

"Ugh Fuck?!"
I slam my fist into the mattress. I felt some kind of responsibility for this, for him. I felt like shit I could have called. Texted to check on him. But my stubborn ass didn't even think about it. I facepalm falling back into the mattress next to him. I look at his face again.
Even in his sleep, he looked like he was in pain.

I had to take a walk around my room. I didn't feel comfortable leaving his side. My eyes scan over his body again. Damn it what was I supposed to do. I wanted to yell or scream at someone who didn't deserve it. I couldn't wake him because he was too tired. It was already 11:46 p.m. at this point.
I sat on the bed near his feet staring at the ground.

I was angry and I was upset at the half and half. No, not him, but at the one who hurt him. I couldn't understand why I cared so much. I was angry at some person I didn't know. I had no one to take my anger out on but myself. I thought about all the ways I could've saved him from unknown entities. Who haunted my brain with no face with mysterious powers.
Damn it!

I couldn't do anything but protect him at this very moment. I couldn't do anything about the past no matter how much I wanted to. I wish I could go back in time. But still, I questioned why I cared so much about his safety. Was it because I was his master because he gave me dominion over him. Did I feel so deeply about this situation because? He permitted me to do what I wanted.
All types of feelings rushed through my head and my heart. It's like they were fighting against each other but for the same goal.

I was snapped out of my trance as I saw the idiot lifting his head. Sitting up he looked down at the oversized shirt that made him look so tiny. For some reason my arms wrapped around him. I hoped they would be able to soothe the pain I couldn't protect him from.

"Who did this to you."

"You saw didn't you." He said like a child who'd get scolded for speaking.

"I asked who did this" He didn't answer me just using my shoulder to dry his tears. I lifted his head from my shoulder. Cupping his face in my hands. He looked so broken. He averted his gaze from mine. The tears fell to his chin as he tried to compose himself. His breathing was staggering and he wouldn't speak to me.

I placed my lips on his not kissing but just making sure he could feel me. I looked into his eyes and he seemed to Calm down staring into mine. I pulled him into my lap breaking our lips from each other as he laid on my chest.

He seemed to be dissociating himself from the rest of the world. Only focused on tracing circles.

•Shotos POV•

His arms were wrapped around my waist. He seemed like a completely different Bakugo from the one I see every day. He was so gentle with me, holding me like a doll that would break at any moment. I traced circles into his chest. He was so warm compared to outside.
We sat like that for a while.

Before he lifted me. I wrapped my legs around his waist circling my arms around his neck. Holding tight I wanted to feel the warmth of his body the warmth of something alive.  I shivered in his grasp and he noticed.

"Don't worry you're okay now." He said it with his lips pressed against my forehead. Instead of walking somewhere, he climbed back into the bed with me still attached. We laid there and he didn't ask me any more questions. He just held me, how badly I craved to be held.

He fell asleep holding me. I wanted to stay by his side having him near me at all times. He was the only one who'd seen me this vulnerable. I trusted him so much for a reason I couldn't understand.

But still, I got out of his bed. The warm safe heaven that was his bed. I walked to the door grabbing my coat and putting on my shoes.  I walked back into his room watching his body rise up and down with each breath. I smiled a little. He was the only one who could make the pain disappear. Even if it's just for a little while.
I kissed his forehead and it made me blush a bit.

"I'm sorry Katsuki, but you can't save me not this time."

I walk out of his dorm looking back once more at his sleeping face. I smiled slightly before the smile fell. I breathed hardly out of my nose. I walked back to the hell hole that was my father's house. My breath quickened. I thought about the blonde words and they seemed to calm me down.

"Don't worry you're okay now ." It's almost like he was with me.

•Bakugou's POV•

I woke up too and in the empty bed I looked around and every trace of him was gone. His shoes, his jacket, him. The only thing that stopped me from believing it was all a dream was a large tear stain on my shirt.

"So he's gone again."

The day after Shoto showed up at school. I was surprised to see him. Of course, everyone had their questions for why he was gone. He brushed it off to be 'just something he had to deal with.'

He was oddly calm like he wasn't crying into my shoulder two nights ago.  I realized how guarded he was over his emotions. He did his best to avoid me. Not making eye contact. Pretending like I wasn't there

But like that day some time ago here we were in the bathroom. Staring at each other.

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