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Chresanto 🚮 : Talk To Me .

Amore , Please .

I'm sorry ? Talk To Me! ! !

Saturday nights , the night is wild , and open.

Chresanto will not stop texting me . My phone's been vibrating over & over . Calls and ect. Simply still not understanding , I DONT want to talk to him . Once you screw up its over . We weren't even together . . . Why am I trippin' to hard? There is plenty of fish in the sea. There isn't a fish with nice little dimples , and fuzzy peach fuzz
on their nose , nice curly hair ... there is only one fish like that . But ... But he messed up. It'll take more then a simple ," I'm Sorry."

In a couple more days , I start school . Being homeschooled is exhausting . The work is twice as hard & Impossible to cheat for these tests . I manage to keep my GPA up & get deep into these college classes as well .

Some people really might not understand that high school is the roughest time of your life. I used to be that girl with the glasses & her head in the books .

Don't get me wrong , my head is still in the books . I ditched the glasses & got with the looks .

My education & career will come first , before I let ANYBODY get in my way .

My phone rang , once more . This time ...

I answered.

I sat , and waited for him to say something . Instead I got nothing .

Just silence .


"Please , please answer me ,"

"I'm sorry , I truly am . For whatever I did . I--- I regret it ,"

"Can you meet me somewhere ? "

I sighed , and flipped the curl from out my face.


"The park , down the street from your house , " "Please."

"I'll be there in 10."

I put my head down and put my hair in a bun . "MOM!" I yelled , from the rooftop & to infinity and beyond .

"What , Amore ? I've got a lot of work to do , right now . I put your allowance in your bank account. What do you want?" She asked .

"Do I look alright ? I'm going out for a bit ,"

"I'll be back soon." I added on , she looked at me and smiled .

"You look beautiful , grab your PINK sweater , & put on your uggs. Put that crazy hair in a ponytail . I'll see you in a minute . " She smiled & closed my door .

I put my shoes on once I finished getting dressed , and grabbed my keys & phone .

I hopped in my car & turned up the music full blast like I do all the time . Partynextdoor came on & lord knows that's my husband .

I pulled into the driveway at the park & lockedy door . I don't know this neighborhood and regardless , shawty gotta keep her stuff together .

I seen Chresanto sitting on top of the benches . I put my hood on , and walked faster . It was so cold ! The wind was fierce today , wasn't playing no games . Chresanto seen me and immediately stood up and ran over to me .

He opened his arms and pulled me in for the tightest hug .

"I missed you so much . "

"Cool." I replied , goving off the worst attitude possible .

"Look , Amore . I messed up . I realize that , real shit . Just . . . can we go back to talking like we did ? I... I miss you & what I did was dumb . I regret it . Completely. I just want us to go back to the way we were . " He said .

"You just . . tossed me . Like I was a toy. Do I look like a doll to you? " I said , leaving the retorical question .

"LowB , you do . " Chresanto laughed .

" ... Bye . " I turned around and began to laugh leaving the snickers & laughs behind me .

He thought I was playing , ppssshh.

"Baby , come here ." He grabbed my arm and pulled me to him .

My hands on his chest ,




Chresanto licked his lips & bit his bottom lip . A smirk appeared on my face as he gently touched my chin . Slightly leaning in ,

he kissed me .

Chresanto pulled away gently , and looked me in my eyes .

"They change colors?" He asked , "Y...Yeah.." He laughed at me and kissed me again .

And Again.


He slipped his tongue inside my mouth & our necks moved in motion .

God bless his soul.

He let go of my chin & put his hands on my waist , I brought my hands up and put it on his neck , caressing the back of his neck.

Pulling away from the kiss , I smiled big as hell .

He laughed at me and squeezed me tight .

"I missed you . . "

" I missed you too. " I smiled .

I couldn't even be mad anymore.

WE BOTH been waiting for that to happen .

"That was weird ..." He laughed once more, " You gon stop acting fufu & actually treat me like a human now ? " Grabbing my hand and running the top of it, "Mm.. I'll think about it . "

"You'll think about it? ,"

"Whaaaat?" He added , with a big laugh . He pulled me in for a big hug & kissed my lips once more .

"Come on shawty, I'm Hungry ."

"You walked here ? " I asked , curiously .

"Yeah , let's go . "

He put his arm on my shoulder & we began walking to my car .

Please . . . I beg you . .

I just want to be happy..

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