Chapter 3: COLD ROOM

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Diamonds pov

"What are you bastards gonna do to me!!" I yelled and they pushed me to the floor.

"Will you just shut up!!" One of the boys yelled at me with no mercy in his tone of voice.

Pardon me I am not familiar with their names.

While one of then pinned me to floor,,
The others were operating the cold room before me.

"Too unfortunate bitch,, you are not gonna be given a decent wake.
because you are gonna slowly freeze to death and rot in there." Audrey said approaching me on the floor as I shifted back with my butt.

He jerked me up from the ground bringing me before the cold room.

"Pls Audrey...dont do it... Pls,, I am sorry for what I did... I've learn my lesson,, just pls don't do it.."" I cried like a baby and they all started laughing at me.
getting me more upset.

"Huh!! Fool! You slapped me in front of everyone.You think you could get away with it??
Do you know how much my ego cost?? Even if you die a million times you wont worth it,, bitch!!"" He smirked and threw me into the cold room.

I felt the ice as it was slowly penetrating into my skin making me shivers.

Parker's pov

"What took you so long and why are you making Some inane gestures?" I Asked my P.A who had ran all the way to the car

"I came across some asshole and They pointed a gun at me.
I would have met my end today thank goodness I was saved.." he said breathlessly , plainly scared.

What do I care??

"You know I don't want to hear anything from you
just toss me the car keysI'll be riding home while you head down to the airport,, we don't have that much time.." I spread my palms to take it and he started scanning all his pockets.

He search his pocket only to bring out an empty hands.

"Looks like... looks like I can't find the keys!!"

"What!??"   I drove my hands angressively thro my hair.
"How could you have been so absent-minded??"
What were you thinking when you misplaced the car keys??""

"But sir I think I misplace it somewhere..." he trailed off placing his index at his forehead trying to remember.

"Yep.. somewhere around the staircase? Just few walks away from the hall but for security reasons I can't go get it." He said and I gripped his shirt squeezing it.

"The nerve of you to say that,, if not that you going to the Airport first is more important
I would have you given to the lions themselves if that's the exact spot you misplaced my car keys,, now tell me where to get it..." I yelled and after explaining, I pushed him off and Walked past him.

After searching for a million years that I almost gave up, I was able to find the car keys.

As I walked through the stairs, I heard some prodding footsteps and I veered to the direction.

I realize it was a flock Of some bad folks in a gang of three rushing out of a room.

I think they ran out on seeing me and so I need to find out what they are up to.

I wore a mask and crowned my head with my head warmer so as not be recognized. I raced to the condo.
I arrived at the room and it seems like a storage room.

I scanned the place for a while but seems like it was free so I turned around to leave when the sound of a wheezing stopped me at a track.

I could hear someone wheezing faintly so I trailed the sound until it took me to the cold room.

I opened it and took a snappy glimpse into it,, only to get struck as I to see someone freezing and shaking vigorously in there. yeah it was the figure of a girl.

I stared speechlessly at her with burged eyes.

"P..p..Parker!!" The girl squeals with a smile battling her lashes.

Hang on!
she is dying and she have the heart to smile on seeing me??

Maybe this is a setup.
I thought to myself and I turned around to leave.

"A..Are.. Are you also one of them.. them who want me dead??"" Her quaky voice stopped me at my track and I veered to face her.

This kid??
How could she say something like that??
What is she that I'll want dead??

"What did you say??"" I growled...

"P..please... help me,, please"" she cried faintly as her face became more weary and weak.

I stood rooted at a spot staring speechlessly at her.

Diamond's pov

I opened my eyes to find myself in an unfamiliar environment, the bed was comfy but that isn't my problem now, I rotated my eyes around until I caught some uniform girls standing beside me.

"Whoa she's is awake at long last." One of them exclaimed to the other one.

"Hey miss are you alright??" They tried touching  me but I shifted back on my butt.

"I'm o..okay.. yes.. fine.. good... who..are.. you by the way??"" I stuttered, staring at their weird faces one after the other.

"We were asked by our master to watch over you and No need to know our name." They drop the bomb and my heart started playing disco .

For sure I'm done for!


Are they gonna sacrifice me??

"oh goddess of the earth pls open up and swallow me.!"" I was screaming and messing my hair up.

I tried remembering how I got here and the picture of that Audrey flashed into my head.

I remembered how he took me to a strange room and dump me into a cold room and then what... what.. what??

How did I get here??

my head was heavy with thoughts when a girl's voice snapped me outta my thoughts.

"Young master, good thing you came right on time the girl you brought here had been acting weird the moment she revived."
I slowly turned to see the greatest shock of my life.

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