chapter 15: stuck with parker.

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What are you doing here?" He asks but I was quiet.

"I said What are you?? A stalker??
How did you find me here cause here is my private spot!" He yelled angrily.
"The thing is, I just meant you co-incidentally while I was lost wandering on how to get out!" I said calmly twisting my fingers.

"What a lame excuse." He mutters not looking at me.

He suddenly pulled very closer gazing into my eyes.
"if you had your way into the hotel without getting missing then how hard is it for you to have followed the usual route out?" He asked coldly.

"I'm giving you three minutes to find your way out." He started Exiting and I had to skip to where he was.

"And what the hell do you think are doing? We never came here together neither are following the same route,
I'm not comfortable walking out with girls!" He declared as he wrapped his hands around the bolt.
he pulled it with force but it ciezed to open.
He tried pulling and banging on it to open but seems like it was locked.
"Shit! What the heck is going on!"
"Wait let me try!"
I wrapped my hands around it trying to wrench it off but It wasn't working out.
"Hey you Emo queen! If I couldn't fist it open what makes you thinks you can do it?
I can't help but think that you have something to do with this." He drove his hands in his hair, faustrated.

He brought out his phone and started doing some clicking on it, I used the opportunity to ran my eyes around him and I caught sight of the pendant

"Parker??" I muttered his name and he slowly raised his head to face me.
"Tell me one tiny secret what is that pendant to you and And why were you crying while staring at it." I asked nervously and his mood changed.

He stared at me for a while and then took the pendant staring at it.
Then he walked away from my side.
"You have no right to ask me that." I could notice weavers of tears in his voice.
He focused on his phone trying out different calls as he paced around.
"Is anyone out there?? Pls help us we are stuck in here!!" I had been crying out loud while banging the door.

"Cut it out, do you think you screaming all you want or what you are doing now?? Is gonna help out!! You are only getting on my nerves." Parker yelled still trying different calls.

But that didn't stop me.

"Parker I really need to get out of here right now, my parents are gonna have my head on a stake I really can't stand them." tears was already pouring down my eyes.

I didn't hear a word from him but I felt a grip at my Waste from Parker he turned me to face him.

"With what you are doing now,, I can't think straight." He whispered into my face.
Wait Parker is holding me now and he is staring into my eyes.

"Wait are you crying??"

"I can't stand it" I cried and surprisingly Parker held my face

"I can't as well stand seeing a lady's tears, I'm allergic to it, you owe me an apology for getting me into this mess and you still have the heart to tear up before me??" He used his thumb to wipe off my tears.

he made many phone calls until the last drop made him heaved with a sigh of relief.
He assured me that we will leave in a bit.
I nodded with relieve.

I don't even have a phone to begin with,, how much more making a call?
We leaned against the wall for hours on a silent mode, which made me feel uncomfortable.
I suddenly flinched when my eyes, struck a machine clicking before us, the place went dark immediately...

"What just happened?" He Asked in shock as flames was spiraling the whole place.

"I think there's a bomb in the building.
Parker we can't stay here any longer,, let's do something!!"I started panicking.

he started coughing and choking.
I wanted to say something when something stroke my throat, I coughed more harder as my eyes turn red.
The sound went on like it might exploded in a bit.
I stood up trying to slug to the spot with my hands holding firm to my throat when all of a sudden I lost my balance, and I landed on someone's arms in time- it was Parker.
I felt so concealed in his grip as there was some sparks between us.

Parker pov
While I was still holding her? Light illuminate the place again.
"You should maintain prudence!" I finally let out as I realized I have been staring deep into her eyes.
I disengaged from her and immediately my phone came ringing.
I had called my p.A earlier, guess he was the one on the line, I brought the phone out but when my gaze fell on the girl's eyes, I couldn't help it, she was dying from the flames .. my hands came trembling making the phone land on the ground.

My p.A arrived within a sped of light just as I had ordered.
He was able to wrench it open from outside and we all went outside.
Everywhere had become dark it's really so late.
from the moment we stepped outside, the building exploded.
"Ahhhhhh!!!" The girl shouted and summersaulted on the floor.
My heart skipped a bit, I thought she exploded with the bomb!
Wait, how can a whole building just get explode like this, I think someone planned this, and person who planned this was also behind our enchantment.
But the big question is, who was the target?

Was it me or this nameless girl??

"OMG!! It's Parker!!
The music star!!!"
Ahh is this for real!!!
Crowd was already gathering at the ablaze building as they ran down with Autographs.
My P.A quickly opened the car before
Me and I jumped inside.
"Wait just a minute.." I hang my p.a Who was turning the car engine on and I whined down the wheel screen.
"Hey, you aren't you getting in?? Don't tell me you plan to sleep here?" I yelled at yelled at the girl.
"Hub?? would rather not bother you, you've done enough for me already.." she said standing beside my car.

Cameras was all clicking from angles,, shit how which I have a way stopping those fools, I know they are taking pictures of me and this crashy!
"you saved me from my parents wrath and for such I would have died in there if I hadn't met with you." She expressed counting her fingers.
Why is counting her blessings for me?? Does she really think I would want someone like her in my car?

"Hey, Correction I was left with no choice,, I was also held captive over there so I did it for no one else but myself" i gave her a piece of my mind and her eyes widened...

"Hello mr grumpy, you should at least accept my thanks, even if you don't warm up to anyone, you should pretend as if you acts are cute as the way you look." She scowled
"What are you still waiting for, crashy Get in!"
"Diamond! Yes diamond that's my name not crashy, not hey, not.." before she finished talking, I signaled my P.A and he went out in a sped of light lifting her up to her shoulder and threw her into the car, while she was screaming like a lunatic.
Jezz this girl is crazy.

it's not as if rumors affects me that much, because I being a star different rumors had been spread about me.
But I don't know why I'm taking this one so serious that I have to take in a crazy girl into my car.

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