Chapter 1

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Like every Sunday morning, Levi got himself ready for work. Although blind since birth he had always been forced to take care of himself alone. This might seem considerably difficult to everyone else but somehow, he always managed.

After having been rejected over and over again, he finally found a job that couldn't be any more suitable. He had been working at Starbucks for a month now and couldn't be happier. So, you might be wondering how someone blind could possibly work at a coffee shop.

Well, someone might have just thought "How about opening up our business to disabled people to give it this compassionate respectful and modern image". At least that was what Levi thought to be the reason. Why else would they let someone as useless as him work for them, if not for more diversity and integrity.

Anyways, it had solely been the money that mattered to him. He couldn't care less about being exploited as a marketing device. Frankly, it was quite a golden opportunity as living alone turned out to be far more expensive than Levi foolishly assumed it to be. The money he got from the government monthly, barely covered his living expenses and part of his tuition fees. Sometimes he wondered if finding a boyfriend would make things easier. Obviously, he wasn't particularly fond of the idea of being financed by someone, he wouldn't sink that low. However, if there was love involved there'd be no problem, right?

Ah, I forgot to mention, Levi was not only blind but gay as well which obviously made him the perfect scapegoat for bullies. But let's not waste too much precious time on those dickheads and cut to the chase.

While expecting his day to be completely ordinary, with customers arguing with him about getting their wrong order and very discreetly arguing behind his back about why the f*uck someone would let, I quote a "blind-idiotic cocksucker" like Levi, work for them, he definitely didn't see what happened next coming (hehe pun intended).

"A black coffee without sugar and milk" he heard a dark voice with a slight accent say. 

Could be Italien, Levi thought, kinda sexy. Focusing back on his order he quickly prepared the black coffee and after that asked the probably most basic question "So what is your name?". This and writing the name wrong afterwards were pretty much the only two things they taught you here without fail. Despite some customers not understanding this fundamental concept of purposely writing their names wrong, it was rather fun.

"Well, would you tell me yours if I told your mine?" he answered in that overly attractive voice of his. 

I wonder if his appearance is just as hot? Levi asked himself. Wait a damn minute. Did he just flirt with me?!  Nothing in the young barista's life could have ever prepared him for a situation like this. Literally no one ever showed any romantic interest in him. Not once has he dated or slept with someone. Levi always thought himself to be quite great at being invisible.

Then it hit him...the man probably didn't know about his so-called disability. Suddenly, he remembered all the rejections by his previous love interests. Not even his own mother let him experience this love everyone aside from him seemed to fathom to a certain degree. Somehow, this started to make him very furious. Whilst he had never felt insecure about the way he was born, he couldn't deny that no matter what he did he would always be at a disadvantage when it came down to forming a genuine connection to someone. Still entirely lost in his inner frenzy, Levi's mouth started to form a mind of its own. Gradually, spitting out words a wise person would have advised him not to say.

"Sorry, I'm not into douchebags. So, if you'd be so kind and just tell me your name", Levi answered without realising the hole he just dug himself into. 

"Oh, you don't know who you are messing with boy", he heard the man growling. 

"Well, I guess I'm fu*ked", he accidentally thought out loud which was affirmed by the man's deep laughter. 

"Yes, you could say that. How can I leave you unharmed now, after you've shown me such an attitude, cucciolo". Levi felt the man's breath on his neck as he whispered the last part.

The threat hung painfully still in the air as Levi thought about what he was supposed to do if the man was only half as buff as he imagined him to be. No matter what he'd still be dead meat. Great just great

"Ah is that so. Bohoo, I'm so afraid. Should I cry?" Yet again Levi's mouth managed to run loose and he wished to jump off a cliff this instant. The man just scoffed, took his coffee and left.

Right away, Levi felt relief wash over him but in the back of his mind he sensed that this would probably, no most definitely backfire. There was just this weird feeling of uneasiness he couldn't seem to get rid of. Maybe he shouldn't have written the word 'Douchebag' followed by an inaccurate drawing of a middle finger on the cup as well.

"Very mature", Levi told himself. His life wasn't that great anyway. What could he possibly lose? I don't have anything valuable; my apartment is small as f*uck and nasty. Haha what's there to be afraid of. He wouldn't kill me would he?! Nah, I'm being dramatic, he tried reassuring himself.

But every time he calmed down a new wave of anxiety hit him. Oh god, what if he decides to rape me because I rejected him? Okay no I'm barely attractive enough to be used as a before picture.

Levi thought of him as quite ugly due to his skinny physique and hair that never seemed to stay in place. He was also pretty self-conscious about his eyes as he couldn't really control the direction, they were looking at which is why he would prefer wearing darkened glasses at work but his boss told him that they made him look unfriendly and that his eyes looked just fine.

It was already dark when Levi's shift ended, he quickly packed his things and left, not forgetting to grab his white cane. After walking around the corner, he heard an all too familiar voice, sending shivers down his spine.

"A pretty big mouth for someone who can't even walk around without a stick"


Hello there, just some quick information about us. First of all, this story is written by two people and both of us aren't native English speakers (we apologise for any grammar and spelling mistakes). One of us is going to focus on the chapters mainly about Lorenzo while the other focusses on Levi.

We are trying to make their relationship develop relatively quickly and there probably won't be too much background information. At least not about Levi since he himself stopped giving a f*uck about what happened in the past.

I hope you will enjoy our story...

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