Chapter 15

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"I'll pick you up later" since Levi recovered Lorenzo decided to drive him to his university. Obviously, Levi had nothing against not taking the fully cramped bus every morning and gladly accepted his offer.

His lectures went by painfully slow and usually consisted of him lying with his head on his arms. Somehow his thoughts always wandered back to Lorenzo. Just then Levi realised something that was probably long overdue Oh god I didn't even look for an apartment. At this point the two had been living together for about three weeks under the condition that Levi would look for his own apartment in the meantime.

"Will everything be over then?" he asked himself. As a matter of fact, all the sex and services made him forget about his responsibilities and problems. But besides that, there was something else that he couldn't deny any longer as it is becoming more and more apparent in his behaviour. Upon that realisation he began growing nervous around Lorenzo and tried to avoid him as much as possible but still ended up sleeping with him anyway.

Levi snapped out of it as he noticed the lecture coming to its end. Quickly he made his way to the place where Lorenzo would be waiting for him while not trying to smile like an idiot.

"Well, if it isn't our favourite little fag", of course things couldn't stay peaceful for too long. Levi just sighted deciding to ignore them. "What ignoring us now? That's a lot of confidence coming from a slut like you", they kept on pestering.

"Although I really like this conversation flow, we've got going on here, I am in a hurry", Levi tried walking away but they grabbed his arm. "Don't touch me with those filthy hands, fatass. Aren't you afraid of getting infected?".

"Ohoho finally showing some attitude. Looks like we've been too nice to him, guys. How about teaching him a lesson on which one of us is supposed to bow down to the other?"

Levi felt the grip on his arm tightening making it impossible to shake it off as they were dragging him away. You must be wondering why he didn't cry out for help. To put it simply, there was not a soul on this campus who would help him and Levi knew that. Even without him putting up much of a resistance it should be plain obvious that he was being harassed right now. But as per usual everyone just watched the scene unfold making room for new potential gossip material.

"If you want to keep this precious hand of yours, I would recommend letting go of him, now", an authoritative and dark voice ordered.

"Wth has our little princess found herself a boyfriend? Man, he must be sucking you off real good for you to act all protective like that", they joked laughing disgustingly still holding onto the boy.

"He does", Lorenzo breathed in the chubby guy's ear before slamming his fist in his face. Seemingly satisfied at the cracking sound he turned his attention to his companions. "What are you waiting for? Want to get a share of that too?" Lorenzo threatened making them scurry away.

"Are you alright?" Lorenzo asked concerned as he caressed the younger boy's cheek.

Levi just slapped his hand away and made his way to the car. "I could have dealt with that on my own, you know?".

"Didn't look like that to me. This wasn't the first time, right?"

"Well, sorry for not being a hulk like you...I'm used to it, okay? So, let's stop making it a bigger issue than it actually is", Levi answered coldly as he jumped into Lorenzo's Camaro.

"If it's not an issue then why are you so angry?!" Levi just turned his head towards the window shutting Lorenzo out completely. He wasn't angry though but it bothered him that he apparently couldn't protect himself. One day he would be alone again and it would be his fault because he was too weak.

This bleak projection kept on haunting him even more since he found out about the kind of people Lorenzo worked and lived with. Looking back, he should have run away as soon as he found the gun under his pillow. But he didn't. Instead, he fell for this awful man growing so attached to him that he couldn't let go now.

"Let me out of this car", he suddenly said.


"Stop the car now!" he shouted. Lorenzo although confused quickly parked the car close to the pavement receiving a few honks from the cars behind him. Levi then rushed out without any notice.

"Where the hell are you going?!" Lorenzo didn't know what torturing thoughts had been troubling Levi and how close he was to actually breaking down. He hid his inner turmoil so well that they started to take a tool on him.

"DON'T FOLLOW ME!" he cried out. Only then Lorenzo noticed the black car which was parked suspiciously close to his. Lorenzo ran towards the younger one as the armed man stepped out of the car fired, his shot and drove off just as fast. All of this seemed to be happening in an instant. Lorenzo didn't even have time to think about why someone would point their gun at Levi before throwing himself in front of it embracing the smaller one.

"Lorenzo...what happened?" Levi carefully asked fighting the tears in his eyes as he felt something hot trickling down his back.

"It's nothing. Just call Benito for me, alright?" Lorenzo managed to get out before collapsing and blacking out.

Two days later

Lorenzo woke up with a groan stretching himself on the mattress. It looks like their family doctor took good care of him as he felt nothing besides a slight sting in his left shoulder. He then noticed Levi sleeping on the chair beside his bed. His eyes were red and puffy and he looked quite deranged.

"I'm sorry", Lorenzo whispered as he carefully approached the sleeping boy tugging the IV off.

"How could you do this to me? Do you know how f*cking scared I was?" he cried into his embrace.

"I know" Lorenzo also knew that he was feeling exactly the same. He was so glad he didn't die.

"How do you think I'd live knowing that it's my fault you are gone?!" Levi shouted frustrated overwhelmed by his own emotions.

"Then what else am I supposed to do?! I can't just watch you getting hurt" Lorenzo exclaimed.

"Break up with me" Levi proposed "We aren't even really together so just let go of me". He knew that he wouldn't be able to do it on his own. Although it was hard to admit, it was as clear as the day that Levi indeed loves Lorenzo but still was very adamant about that no one would ever love him back.

In fact, they never really truthfully talked about their feelings or about getting serious. So naturally Levi thought I'd be easy for Lorenzo to let him go which was why his answer got him by surprise.

"I can't".

"Why not", but Levi needed to hear it clearly if Lorenzo actually shared his feelings, he knew that he'd stay. But nothing but silence followed. A silence which seemed to confirm Levi's assumptions "That's what I thought".

Lorenzo didn't know why he couldn't say it out loud. Maybe he wasn't ready. Maybe deep inside he knew that this was for the better. In this moment he became painfully aware that he lost his chance to treasure and love the younger one and it was his fault alone.

The following day

"I found an affordable apartment close to your university. Benito will help you with the move in. This is the last thing I am going to do for you so please just accept it", Lorenzo explained emotionlessly.

"Okay, thank you", somehow Levi didn't feel the agony that supposedly follows a heartbreak. He just felt hollow deprived of any emotion.

"Goodbye then", Levi wished to see Lorenzo's expression right now. Maybe he had been wrong all along and he didn't just use him for his own amusement but that had just been wishful thinking. He imagined him looking as stern and emotionless as ever and that hurt him even more. Still, he wished he could have told him at least once

"I love you" 

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