Chapter 18.1

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Lorenzo couldn't describe the warm and pleasant feeling that spread in his chest like a wild fire while he still held Levi in a tight hug.

They stood in front of the large, modern entrance to the hospital, which Enzo had for his liking clearly seen too often lately. A broad grin spread over his features as he heard that Levi didn't suffer any major injuries besides a few bruises and a broken rib.

A few people looked at him strangely as he carried Levi to where he had parked the Camaro.

The white T-shirt that stretched around his broad shoulders was still stained with Levi's blood, which had now dried to a dark shade of red.

Just as they settled down in the comfortable leather seats Lorenzo decided to finally break his silence.

"You were lucky".

Levi replied with a slight laugh "You were my luck. If you hadn't come, I would have most definitely bled to death in this alley."

"That's the point. First of all, what is it with you and those dark, ominous alleys? I get that you are blind, but anyone with the littlest sense of danger wouldn't even think about going that way! Next time if you have the choice between staying on the illuminated and busy street or turning into a small alley where no one would hear your cries for help when some psychopath rapes you, then maybe think twice and stay on the fucking street, dannato! "

"Are you worried about me? "As usual Levi's voice sounded sarcastic and a bit challenging, but Lorenzo noticed the slight tremor in it.

"Yes," he replied straight away, the anger he had just talked himself into not having completely disappeared from his tone yet.

„Of course, I am worried about you".

Levi smiled weakly and leaned back in the light leather seat while Enzo steered the car from the parking lot onto the street.

"I promise I won't get beaten up the next time," Levi said ironically after taking a few minutes to select a radio station that fitted his taste.

Enzo shook his head. "What are you talking about, scemo? You know very well that this is not my concern. I fucking love you and I hate you getting hurt because of your careless behaviour"

He could hear the leather crunching slightly indicating that the smaller one had turned to him.

„Took you a while to realise how great I am".

Enzo could only laugh at his lover's cheeky reply. "I'm serious, Levi. You are important to me. I can't lose anyone so precious, not again."

He could feel Levi's curiosity practically stabbing him but he decided to not ask him about it.

"I love you too and you won't lose me. You know, pests are quite persistent and besides that I have the best bodyguard in the world ".

Enzo shook his head amused, once again too lost in thought to realise that Levi couldn't perceive this gesture.

"Levi", his tone now more serious and urgent, "I would really like to be with you. Officially, as your lover. But I can't do that unless I can be sure about you understanding what that would mean. I am giving you the final opportunity to leave. Just one word and I'll drive you home right away, delete your number and never see you again. You don't deserve ending up like my mother".

Levi's voice now sounded thick as he gently pleaded, "Tell me about her".

Inevitably, Lorenzo's face took on a thoughtful expression as he guided them through North Carolina's transportation network at a speed well above the permitted limit.

"My mother, Ariadne, was a wonderful woman. You and she would certainly have gotten along well. She was just as joyful as you, always up for a little fun but definitely not as ill-mannered." He grinned over to Levi.

"And she surely wasn't as good at getting herself in trouble as you are." The younger snorted in protest, but Enzo continued his story: "She died when I was fourteen. Hanged herself on the bedroom ceiling. I was the one who found her body ".

He heard Levi swallow nervously and felt warm fingers carefully cupping his hand.

"She couldn't stand living in my family any longer. All the intrigues, the hatred, the pressure. It goes without saying that my family also has its good sides. We stick together no matter what and once you are a part of it, each member would protect you with their own life. But all in all, it's not worth it, let alone that you could end up in prison for life for everything we do, even if you never broke the law yourself. You don't know what I'm capable of, Levi, what I've seen and done. You only know of my good sides and I think you might have already noticed that even those don't make me look like a nice person. I have injured, tortured and killed people. I am a murderer, among many other things. "

He felt Levi's fingers that were clasping his hand trembling slightly.

"And it doesn't end here, by my side you serve as the perfect target for those who want to harm me or my family. And the list of these people is longer than you can imagine. I can't stand the thought of an incident like the one with Matteo happening again, who is undoubtedly even less interested in harming you than many others.

How could I ever forgive myself for being the reason for your death or the cause of you having to live your life in fear and despair?".

There was brief silence between them, but then he felt Levi squeezing his hand tighter.

"Without you, I would definitely be worse. Together we can face any madman who has a problem with you or me."

Enzo although still worried took a moment to capture Levi's beautiful appearance in his mind. The slightly dishevelled, dirty blond hair and the expressive green eyes that literally sparked with character even if he couldn't experience the world around him through them.

"Too cheesy?" Levi asked after Enzo had apparently kept quiet for too long.

The older one laughed as he ruffled through his already messy hair.

„I just don't want you to make this decision lightly".

"Me and making light decisions? I can't remember the last time that happened! Now stop this over-dramatic emotional monologue or do you expect me to start crying like the heroin in a romantic blockbuster, Mr. DiCaprio? "

Enzo didn't know whether to be amused or offended after he had basically poured his whole heart out to Levi.

„The answer is 'yes' by the way, idiot, obviously I want to be your boyfriend." 

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