Chapter 8

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"Please save me", Levi's voice resonated in his ear, way to quiet and broken for his usually peppy self. It took Lorenzo a few seconds to process his words.

"Levi", he said in an urgent voice. He didn't receive an answer though. Lorenzo could almost feel his heart bursting through his chest "Levi", he repeated his voice adapting a to him very foreign tone. He felt his pulse quickening while taking quick and shallow breaths which you'd surely be able to hear through the phone. There was a rustle on the other end of the line, followed by a clank and the sound of glass shattering- The phone - the thought shot through his head - Levi let his phone fall down. "Porca puttana!", he cursed blaringly and quickly rushed out. He tossed the key to his Camaro to Alarico, who was still talking to one of the architects a few metres away about the construction of one of their new office complexes. Obviously the older one managed to catch it effortlessly with his amazing reflexes and raised an eyebrow at his brother's random action.

Since Matteo had an important appointment this evening, Lorenzo was forced to accompany his brother to the inspection of the construction site. "I have to go", he briefly explained, "I'm taking the Ferrari".

He ignored Alarico's protests and started the engine of the matt grey luxury car as his brother appeared in the rear mirror with furiously gleaming eyes. "Maledetto stronzo! What the hell do you think you are doing?", but he was rudely interrupted by Lorenzo stepping down on the gas pedal with no hesitation.

Just as Lorenzo was pulling into the evening rush of the busy roads, he made a call to one of his aunts "Ciao, I need the current location from the cell phone number I sent you. Pronto, please.", his English hard from his Italian accent and his arduous breathing. A truck aggressively honked as he speeded through the intersection without looking to the right or left.

He hung up without waiting for an answer and turned into the fast lane. A police car he passed at top speed didn't even bother trying to pull him over. Just a few seconds later the location of the younger boy's phone popped up on his display.

Enzo turned the car around and paid no attention to the bus, the brakes of which squealed loudly at his unexpected manoeuvre. It didn't even take him a minute to reach the small back alley his aunt's coordinates led him to. He'd definitely broken more laws that night than he had in the last couple of years, and he was part of the bloody Mafia.

But he didn't waste any time thinking about such insignificant matters as thoughts of Levi filled his head entirely. That very one was now only a few steps away from him, Lorenzo recognised the white cane next to him on the dirty cobblestones. Only when he was standing directly in front of Levi, he became aware of the large pool of blood that was spattering his shoes. "Fuck".

He briefly reflected on how best to proceed before carefully picking the boy up and laying him down in the back of his Ferrari. He'd be faster than any ambulance anyway. The cream-coloured leather soaked up the blood like a sponge. Alarico would skin him alive and cook him, but there was no room for that in his frenzied flow of thoughts at the moment.

The only emotion he felt right now was pure panic. What if he's already dead? But the slight heaving of his chest under his blood-soaked sweater convinced him of the contrary.

On the way to the hospital, he didn't step down from the gas once. Thanks to sheer luck he did not cause dozens of accidents, with his absolutely reckless driving style that he displayed on that day. The risk of Levi dying due to a traffic accident was probably higher than that of the stab wound. As if by a miracle, Enzo managed to steer the sports car onto the large area of the hospital. Before he even properly turned the engine off, he jumped out of the car to pick up the injured Levi bridal style. As soon as he stepped into the reception area, dozens of nurses and paramedics welcomed him and quickly took the younger boy out of his arms to put him onto a stretcher.

With a strange, numb feeling in his stomach, Lorenzo Este finally found himself on a chair in the waiting room a plastic cup of water clamped between his legs. Expressionlessly, he looked down to his hands where some of Levi's blood still stuck under his nails. In contrast to usually, he was unable to describe what he was feeling. While his emotional perception was usually limited to anger, arrogance and pleasure, all other feelings that he otherwise meticulously repressed flooded him at this moment. It didn't even take him a heartbeat to drop everything when Levi's call had reached him. But those confusing thoughts vanished under the pressing question "Which asshole was responsible for this?"

The thought alone what he'd do to Levi's attacker as soon as he got hold of him filled him with utter bloodlust and excitement.

After agonising hours of waiting one doctor finally came out of the ER. Lorenzo who has been waiting the whole time barely even noticed him approaching as he tiredly lifted his head. "How is he?" Lorenzo asked exhausted leaving out any formalities.

"He will be alright. We stitched up his wound and put him into a medically induced coma. None of his vital organs have been hurt but he lost a concerning amount of blood. A few minutes later and he definitely wouldn't have survived." the doctor explained.

Lorenzo felt all the tension escaping his body and let go a sigh of relief "Can I see him?". The doctor probably would have said no if it hadn't been a blood smeared, muscled and dangerous looking Lorenzo asking him this question and let him go through.

Lorenzo just looked at the blind boy almost blending in with the white sheets that have been wrapped around him. He sat down on the chair next to his bed and caressed his hair that clung to his forehead. "I'm sorry" Lorenzo apologised. He knew it was his fault and the guilt nagged at him like nothing before. Not only because this happened because of him being in the mafia but also because he knew he wouldn't be able to let go of Levi now. There is something deeply intriguing about the emotions he feels when they spent time together and although it is selfish, he wants to keep discovering their meaning.

Lorenzo was in a predicament which he either had to face head on or escape from completely. But looking at Levi now he felt that it will be worth it no matter the outcome. 

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