Chapter 7

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Levi woke up with an agonising pain in his lower back area reminding him of what he did with the man he didn't even know a few days ago. He soon noticed that he wasn't lying on a pillow but instead all cuddled up to the man's side. His strong arms were wrapped around him. Wth what's up with this position, Levi wondered confused by how comfortable he felt. "Okay, Levi get a grip. This man is just playing with you. ", he told himself. After that he decided to get up while being as careful as possible not to wake up Lorenzo who was snoring peacefully.

The young boy had a difficult time orientating in the unfamiliar room and desperately tried to find his clothes that were scattered around everywhere. Not even bothering with the rest of his clothes he left as soon as he found his jacket, pants, shoes and white cane. But not before deciding to leave a quick little message to Lorenzo on a gum wrap, he found in his pockets since it felt weird for him to just leave. Although he was aware that Lorenzo would have probably just done exactly that if he had awoken sooner.

With the help of an hotel assistant, he quickly found the way out of the hotel and walked the way back to his house since he could not afford a taxi. Maybe I should have taken a bit of his money, but Levi knew he'd never steal no matter what.

The navigators voice guided him through the foreign streets and Levi knew this would be a long walk. But he still had a few hours left before he had to be at his uni. Sometimes he felt like going to uni and getting a degree was a waste of money since no one would hire him anyway. Still, he thought that they at least couldn't reject him because of his lack of qualifications. In fact, Levi wasn't stupid just very unfortunate as his teachers always told him.

Then his thoughts wandered back to last night. I'll never have this much fun again, right? Levi remembered the sad reality of his bitter existence. No one would actually care to really bond with him or spend time with him without an ulterior motive. Obviously, he thought Lorenzo would be the same. Trying to get rid of those depressing thoughts, he eventually plugged in his earphones to get distracted by Conan Gray's mesmerising voice.

The rest of his day only consisted of him being pestered by some of the asshole jocks and listening to awfully boring lessons. So, nothing he wasn't already used to.

Four days went by like this. The night he spent with Lorenzo slowly fell into oblivion as remembering it would only make him more depressed. Levi knew that Lorenzo wouldn't consider the time with him as anything particularly special or fun. At least he would have liked to keep thinking that if Lorenzo hadn't suddenly appeared at his workplace again.

"Thought I'd leave you alone after just rudely disappearing on me like that", the deep voice he longed so much for said casually. Levi didn't know what to say as he realised how much he missed him. 

Pathetic, Levi thought, am I really that lonely to have already grown attached to him like that. Since Levi decided that he preferred to be alone forever he tried to not show any emotions and treat Lorenzo like any other customer "Welcome to Starbucks, what can I get you?". 

At that Lorenzo was absolutely dumbfounded and answered back annoyed "So you are just going to pretend that nothing happened, I assume. But can you really? If I remember correctly, you were the one begging me to thrust into you harder and screaming in pleasure". 

Levi went red at the thought. "Please just leave". Truthfully speaking, Levi wanted to do it again. He really did. But asking for more always got him in trouble so he decided to be content with what he got.

"Let's go on another date. There is something I really need to figure out, alright" Lorenzo asked in a much softer kind of frustrated voice. 

"Can't you use one of your other chicks for that? I bet they'd be glad to help you out" Levi pointed out irritated by Lorenzo's behaviour.

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