Chapter 22

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The day of the wedding

"I can't believe I'm only meeting the guy you are going to marry now", Sally said slightly outraged while holding her chest but Levi knew she was only joking. He still didn't tell her that Lorenzo had been the same guy that offended her back then. They became pretty good friends over the months after she supported Levi when Lorenzo and him broke up. At this point he already considered her his best friend and his only friend to be completely honest. So, after having successfully avoided the topic of his boyfriend's identity for over a year he decided that he should finally stop being such a coward.

"You know there is something I need to tell you about him first", he hesitantly started.

"Spit it out. Don't tell me he's some kinda gangsta or something"

Even though that wasn't what he was referring to he was suddenly reminded that he didn't mention anything about that mafia part either. As this was neither the right time nor the right place to talk about something like that, he chose to postpone this confession to later.

It's probably better if she doesn't know anyway, Levi thought swallowing down the guilt of having to lie to his friend. "No... that's not it-"

Sally noticed his uncertainty as she held him by the shoulders. "Levi I'm your best friend. Whatever you are going to tell me right now I swear to God I'm not going to be mad at you. I'm well aware that you've been hiding certain things and actually I'm pretty glad that you are starting to open up to me".

Levi was still a little worried though since Sally could be quite impulsive to say it nicely. But she was right friends should tell each other everything and he'd much rather have her be angry over something he did say then didn't.

"You already met him" as Sally didn't say anything he just continued "You remember that guy last year...the really good looking one that called you fat".

He felt her grasp on his shoulders painfully tighten. "Forget what I said about not getting mad", she mumbled darkly as she jumped on him.

"How could you not tell me you've been dating such a hottie".

Levi didn't know what he expected but obviously not that and stumbled dumbfounded with Sally clinging to him to the floor.

"You honestly thought that I'd still be angry about something that happened such a long time ago? I get that I'm not mother Theresa but I'm not that petty, am I?" she announced rather dramatically.

"No, I'm sorry. You must hate me now", Levi answered in an equally dramatic tone.

"You are such a dork. Let's stop this soap opera shit we've got going on here. We have a wedding to get ready for", she chirped getting off from him and helping him up.

"I'm really happy to be your friend, you know?"

Immediately Levi was pulled into a tight hug "Of course I know"


Golden sunlight flooded the light-coloured wooden floor of the church, creating a beautiful pattern of joyful sparks of lightening around Lorenzo's black dress shoes. The atmosphere was calm and harmonious within the big chapel, moderate classical music playing in the background. The church was located on the countryside of Carova, the view out of stained-glass window offered the approximately 150 guests a glorious vision of the beach.

Lorenzo, who had been raised to believe in God, had insisted in holding at least the ceremony at the lord's house.

Lorenzo's steps led him down the aisle towards the altar where he will be waiting for his future husband to arrive, Matteo next to him. He tried to swallow down the excitement that was tingling through his whole body. His fingers lingered unsteadily over his tie. But he wasn't capable to suppress a broad grin any longer as he saw the younger one approaching.

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