Two: Trick or Treat, Freak

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I walk downstairs with my consume folded in my arm. I wasn't going to take any chances to be embarrassed in front of the school. I mean I could just take the costume off when I got there.

"Y/N honey?" My mom asks

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"Y/N honey?" My mom asks.
"Yes mom?"
"Have fun! But first let me take a picture of you!" She smiles.
"Okay!" I smile. I slip the sheet over my head.
"Say boo!"
"Boo!" I say.
"Got one! Have fun!" She says.
"Okayyy mom!" I laugh and go outside. I put my costume in my bag and bike to school.
Lucas Mike Dustin and I hum the ghostbusters theme song as we pull into school.
🎵Who you gonna call?🎵
🎵Ghostbusters!🎵 Will finishes our little song.
"Hey spengler!"
"Whoa. Whoa whoa." Mike stops our excitement.
"What?" Lucas asks.
"Why are you Venkman?"
"Because I'm Venkman."
"No I'm Venkman."
"Why can't there be two Venkmans?" Will and I ask at the same time.
"Because there's only one Venkman in real life! We planned this out months ago! I'm Venkman, Dustin's Stanz, your Egon, Y/N's a ghost, and your Winston."
"I specifically didn't agree to Winston."
"Yes you did!"
"I don't think he did." Will says.
"No one wants to be Winston, man."
"What's wrong with Winston?"
"What's wrong with Winston? He joined the team super late, hes not funny and he's not even a scientist!"
"Yeah but he's still cool!"
"If he's so cool than why don't you be Winston?"
"Guys it's too late we already have our costumes done." I try.
"I I can't-" Mike says to what Lucas already said.
"Why not?"
"Because your not black?"
"I didn't say that!"
"You thought it!"
"Guys!" Dustin yells over there continued bickering.  "Guys!" He yells again making everyone turn around. "Why is no one wearing costumes?"
"Told you!" I laugh.
"When do people make these decisions?" Dustin asks as we walk into school.
"Everyone dressed up last year." Will whispers.
"Just be cool." Mike says.
"Who you gonna call? The nerds!" A boy laughs. I make him trip using my powers. "Ow!"
I get my stuff from my locker. I look behind me as Dustin grabs my arm.
"Ugh seriously Dustin?" I sigh as he pulls me over to Max and Lucas. Dustin coughs and tries to get Max's attention. She turns to look at us three.
"Hi Max. I'm Dustin and this is-"
"Yeah I know. The stalkers." I try not to giggle at Max calling them out.
"Uh no. Actually... We-we weren't stalking you." Lucas mumbles.
"No, we were just concerned because you know, you're new and all." Dustin try's.
"Y-yeah for your safety." Lucas stutters again. I roll my eyes at my friends.
"Mhm there are a lot of bullies here."
"So many bullies it's crazy."
"Is that why your wearing proton packs?" Max asks.
"Well these don't function but... I do have this handy- dandy little trap right here." Dustin shows Max. "And look it even opens and closes! Look look look! Voila! It's cool right? No? Okay. But um, so we were talking last night and we thought  your new  so you probably don't have any friends to take you trick or treating and  your scared of bullies so we were thinking  it would be okay if you go trick or treating with us." I shake my head he really didn't do good on that one.
"It would be okay?"
"Yeah, Our parties a democracy and the majority voted you could come."
"I didn't realize it was such an honor to go trick or treating with you."
"Yeah I mean we know where to get the full sized candy bars. We figured you'd want in."
"That's very presumptuous of you."
"Yeah totally so um you'll come?"
"We're meeting at the Maple Street Cul-de-sac!At 7:00! That's 7:00 on the dot!" Dustin calls after her.  I see Lucas and Dustin try and figure out what presumptuous means as Max walks off. I smile and walk the other direction.
"Presumptuous." Dustin repeats smiling. "That's a good thing right?"
Lucas follows after me.
"Is it bad? Damn it guys is it bad! Guys? Son of a bitch, guys. Is it bad?"
We all bike down the road.
"Really. Everyone dressed up last year."
Then we see a car going full speed towards us.
"Hey guys?" Dustin looks behind us.
"Mike you haul ass!" I close my eyes and go into my friends minds. I make them all get off the road.
"Holy shit! Was that...." Dustin points to the car.
"Mad max." Lucas says.
"Will hey!" Dustin greets our friend.
"Hi Will!" I yell.
"Hey don't cross the streams. Don't cross the streams."
"Yeah! You ready for tonight man?"
"I'm so excited!" I say.
"Trick or treat!" We say greeting a lady with a bowl of candy.
"Aww well aren't you cute! Little exterminators and a snowman!" We all make a face and grab a handful of candy.
"Thank you." I say as we walk off the porch.
"If I get another 3-musketeers I'm gonna kill myself." Lucas sighs.
"What's wrong with 3-musketeers?" Dustin asks.
"What's wrong with 3-musketeers?" Lucas repeats.
"No one likes 3-musketeers." Mike says.
"I mean I like them." I shrug.
"It's just nougat." Will argues.
"Whoa 'just nougat.'" Dustin asks. I laugh at my friends bickering. I look down the hill we are walking on and see Max hiding behind a mailbox. I grin and listen to the rest of my friends conversation.
"Oh god give me a break."
"Seriously I can eat a whole bowl of nougat. Straight up." Just then Max jumps out from behind a mailbox. Making every yell except me.
"Holy shit! You should of seen the look on your faces." Max laughs. "And who screams like that you sound like a little girl?" She says to Lucas. I notice Will grabbed my hand and blush letting go. 'Thank god he can't see my face right now.' "Hey you guys coming or not? Oh I heard we should hit up Loch Nora. That's where the rich people live right?"
"Yea!" Dustin and Lucas exclaim. Will and I follow after them.
"Another full size. Like seriously, rich people are such suckers! Wait you're not rich right?"
"No, I live up on old cherry road." Max answers Dustin.
"No its fine. The streets good for skating."
"Hmm. That's totally tubular." Dustin imitates a surf boarder.
"That's a surf boarder dingus." I say behind them. Dustin rolls his eyes and continues his conversation.
"I knew that! Wait- is it like tubular?" He makes the word more dramatic.
"I-it's like totally tubular!" Lucas try's.
"What a gnarly wave dude!"
"Totally bodacious bro!"
"Stop. my ears are hurting." Max laughs.
"Did you agree to this?" Mike asks Will and I.
"What?" Will asks.
"To her joining our party."
"It's just for Halloween." I say.
"You all should have checked with me."
"Well they were excited. I guess we thought you'd be okay with it?" Will explains.
"She's ruining the best night of the year." Mike sighs and walks faster. I walk faster thinking Will was beside me as I go to catch up with the group.
"Watch it, Zombie boy!" Someone yells. I look behind me to see Will scared.
"Trick or treat freak!"
"Boo!" I want to punch the bullies in their face but I just run up to Will as he falls. He looks around panicked.
"Will are you okay?" I ask. I read his mind to see if he's having another episode. He is.
"Y/N? Mike?" He yells. I close my eyes like I did at the arcade and re open them. I'm in the same place Will is, the Upside Down.
"Will, hey I'm right here." I say to him. He turns to me with fear in his eyes. We hear a noise like chittering in the distance. Then out of no where the shadow thing comes out of the sky. Will takes off running and I run after him still in the Upside Down.
"Will!" He runs behind a house to hide. I sit down with him and grab his hand. I start to tear up out of fear.
"Will! Y/N!" Mike grabs our shoulders snapping us out of the Upside Down. "What's wrong?" He asks. "I couldn't find you guys. Are you hurt?" Will looks around panicked. I want to cry but I hold it in.
"Holy shit!" Dustin says coming down to us.
"Are they okay?" Lucas asks.
"I don't know." Mike says.
"I'm gonna get you home okay? I'm gonna get you home, hold on." Mike helps us up.
"All right take it easy." Dustin try's.
"I got them I got them." Mike says
"Keep trick or treating I'm bored anyways."
"What's wrong with them?" Max asks behind us.
"It's like... like I'm stuck." Will explains to Mike.
"Like,like stuck in the Upside Down?"
"No." Will sighs. "You know on a view master when it gets like..."
"Stuck between two pages?"
"Yea exactly." I say. "Like our sides our world and the other..."
"The other is the upside down." Will finishes. "And..there was this noise coming from everywhere. And then I saw something."
"The Demogorgon?" Mike asks. I shake my head no.
"It was like a huge shadow thing." I explain.
"Only it was alive." Will says. "And it was coming for us."
"Is this all real?" Mike questions Will. "Or is it like the doctors say all in your head?"
"I don't know.. just...just please don't tell the others okay? They won't understand." Will says to us.
"Eleven would." Mike says. My heart drops at the mention of my sister.
"She would?" Will asks.
"Yeah. She always did." Mike nods his head sadly. "Sometimes I feel like I still see her. Like she's still around, but she never is. I don't know sometimes I feel like I'm going crazy."
" I do too." I say sniffling.
"Me too." Will says.
"Hey well, if we're all going crazy then we'll go crazy together, right?"
"Yeah crazy together." Will smiles.
Hi! Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed. That was 1721 words.

-Love Hcney🤍

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