⤷‧₊˚ poison [levi x alcoholic reader]

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Thank you everyone for reading this <3


Dragging yourself to sit down in the waiting room, you face Mikasa, who was already anticipatingly staring from a seat opposite you.

"So, are you nervous?" she asks casually.

You took some time, clasping your hands together rubbing them, flicking your eyes around the scene then up to Mikasa.

"Oh what? About the appointment?" you rhetorically questioned shaking your head and looking away

"Nah, I'm fine".

Putting on a hopeful face, you admitted, still rubbing your hands together "And I mean I feel fine so that's got to be a good sign, right?"

Mikasa swallows and nods her head "Indeed".

She thought otherwise.

You looked like a nervous wreck.

Few moments later you looked up to her grey eyes.

"Yeah, I am nervous".

She sighs understandably, reaching to take your hand with hers.

Reassuring you "It's going to be fine. You have been doing your absolute best to recover...I-I am proud of you, Y/n".

She softly smiled her rare smiles. You loved Mikasa so much. She was like the best friend you could always rely on and she would be 100% loyal to you all the way.

Currently, the reason you are here is for an appointment to see how you are coping from being a recovering alcoholic. You had always been a drinker in the past, but recently it had been getting out of hand.

You had been drinking ruthlessly every single day for roughly a year.

Drink, cry, pass out.

Drink, cry, pass out.

For months and months and months. Then a whole year.

The reason? You had been terribly unlucky, such as losing your job and being cheated on from your ex of 2 years.

This all happened in the space of a few days. Resulting in your downfall of major damage to your liver. This could cause liver failure, of even cancer.

Thankfully the friends and family that actually cared for you helped you. As soon as they noticed the odd behaviour from you - and with your new boyfriend, Levi, who you have been together for also a year, was an amazing help.

You loved him so much and dreamed of having a hopeful future together – making your desire to stop drinking grow.

"Miss L/n?" the doctor opens the door peering at the both of you.

You nod and stand, before looking over at Mikasa "Look, um, I think I should go on my own".

You sigh at Mikasa's confused look.

"Sorry it's just- I think if it's bad news then, I'll be able to deal with it better if it's just me".

She nods, understanding. "Alright, I'll wait here".


"I mean I know I'm not 100 percent yet, but I can really feel the difference". you added.

The doctor gives you a look and slightly nods "Well, I'm glad you're feeling better".

Smirking "Yeah...but?" you said pushing her on.

You knew there was going to be some good news.

I can't wait to be finally clean and free.

oneshots ⤷‧₊˚ levi ackermanWhere stories live. Discover now