New Threat is rising

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Yang was asleep as she wake up to see herself in Beacon as David and Knights were defending the School as gun shot were heard in the background helicopter flying by with machine gun fired as Yang look at her hands to see her two arms as she look up to see Adam walking toward her as Yang used her two gauntlet at Adam as the bullets went through him

As Yang was about to fire again only to see her gauntlet and her arm gone as Adam was looking at her and pull his sword out as Yang wake up from her dream only to see herself in bed and turn to see the prosthetic arm that Ironwood give her as she hears someone at the kitchen as she get out of bed and walked down stairs hearing laughter 

Port: "And, and then in comes Qrow wearing a skirt I was just a T.A I didn't know what to do so I just left the room to laugh"

Nick Tai and Oobleck: "HAHAHA!!"

Nick: "Hey me and Tai told him it was a kilt he'd never worn a uniform before so he didn't know"

Tai: "That is so true"

Oobleck: "That is terrible what is wrong with you two"

Nick: "Don't blame me because Qrow is a ladies man"

Tai: "Hey the girls all said he had nice legs Nick and I did that jerk a favor besides that not even the best part see then we-"

Port pick his leg and put it on the table

Port: "Like what you see?!"

Port lost balance as he fall to ground as the other start to laugh harder until Yang start laugh as everyone turn to Yang who was by the doorway

Port: "Oh uh Ms. Xiao Long uh please join us"

Oobleck: "Uh yes yes uh pull up a chair please pull up a chair"

Yang: "I'm good so Nick what are you doing here where Uncle David and the other"

Nick: "He back at home working on something with General Patterson the other they are doing fine"

Yang: "So what are you guys doing here "

Oobleck: "Despite popular belief teacher do have a life outside the classroom"

Port: "Professor Goodwitch is working round the clock with the U.S to restore Beacon to it former glory but Mistral wasn't built in a day and we all need some rest from time to time"

Tai: "look let not worry that right now so there we were standing in the auditorium looking at Qrow skirt"

Nick: "David was disappointed at Qrow as Sarah just ignore him"

Tai: "What about the dance you pull as you and David were wearing those robot helmet"

Nick: "Oh yeah that was great"

Few Minutes later 

Yang was watched Nick Tai Port and Oobleck outside as they were leaving as they said goodbye to each other as Yang eavesdrop on them

Nick: "Anyway thanks Tai"

Port: "Thank for having us over, Tai"

Tai: "Anytime you're always welcome"

Oobleck: "It may be a while before we return there is still much work to be done at the school"

Nick: "Yeah don't worry My President sending supplies and workers to help"

Port: "I hesitate to ask, Nick but is there any word from young Ms. Rose"

Nick: "David have not yet heard of Ruby yet but he send one special agent  after her so she can be safe"

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