The Battle of Two Worlds 1/2

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It show troops setting up their defense as Tanks were rolling up in position as David grabbed the binocular and looked at the distance of Salem forces 

David: "She coming in with everything she got"

Nick: "Damn right this will be the fight for our lives 

David: "I get a big crack of Salem Captain America is that she waiting for"

Razor in the background: "That true she hate you the most"

As the Knights were suiting up David was talking to Patterson and Reznov telling them they will be the one distracting Salem grimm army as they enter her whale so they could face her. Patterson agrees as before David could leave someone grabbed his arm as he turn around to see Ruby looking at him

Ruby: "Dad if you are facing Salem at least let us help"

David: "I'm sorry but I must face her you will staying here with your mother so you guy's could help the troops"

Ruby looked down as he kneel beside her placing his hand on her shoulder 

David: "Honey your the last bloodline of our family if I get killed you must continued it and later your new born child can continue it I'm sorry"

David later place his Knight helmet on and got in the quinjet as the rest of the Knights were waiting for him as Nick got into his different Iron man suit as David talked to the group as they were looking at him

David: "Salem knows we're coming odds are we'll be riding into heavy fire and that what we signed up for but the people on Earth and Remnant didn't they didn't so. Patterson priority he order troops across Remnant start evacuating all they want is to lives their lives in peace and that's not gonna happen today but we can do our best protect them and we can get the job done.

We find Salem and what she been doing we captured the people who worked with her while our troops clear the field with her army but keep the fight between us for her and us"

David looked down on the picture of Summer and Ruby as he place on his pocket as he looked to the group 

David: "Salem thinks we're monster and  we are what wrong of the two worlds this isn't just about beating her it about whether she right"

The quinjet quietly flew to the Grimm Whale as the Knights looked at the many grimm that surrounds it as the one in the air ignore the Knights as Nick flew right next to them as he radio them 

Nick on the radio: "I feel we are walking in a trap"

David: "Let stay focus on the mission"

As the Quinjet lands far from the Grimm the Knights move swiftly and quietly not wanting to alert the grimm Nick scanned the beast as he made a joke about it 

Nick: "hey guys remember the tale of Jonah and the Whale"

David: "Yeah, yeah but we are not getting eaten"

Nick: "Heh you get it"

Nick stopped as the group looked at Nick as he raised his arm and start shooting a small laser cutting a open for them as they enter not before Motors begin to erupted the Grimm attention as Earth Troops begin to charge as Tanks fired at the grimm 


Salem sees UN troops being charging at her army she smiled at bit as Arthur, Hazel and Tyrian enter the throne room 

Salem: "It appear we have guess here my faith servants will you greet them"

Hazel: "You won't be disappointed"

Not from this World The Age of Salem Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now