The Black Cats

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2 hours later before getting the call from David

April 3 2020

Petty Officer Locke

Harrington: "We are coming into them now"

Booth: "Yeah I see them Landry open on coms Major Gordon Vessels are now in visual range unmarked White Fang merchant Fleet designation unknown"

Major Gordon: "They're probably re-supplying the enemy"

Booth: "Legitimate targets"

Major Gordon: "Affirmative they're part of the enemy war machine. Permission to engage. Over and out"

Booth: "Roger that Laughlin, Locke get your station start picking targets"

Locke went to the front turret as he see 3 enemy ship on the water 

Booth: "OPEN FIRE!"

Locke begin firing at the ships as the Locke hit the gas tank on the top of the ship as it made a huge expulsion

Laughlin: "WOOAAH you see that shit blow"

Landry: "Good job Locke"

As Locke continued firing the enemy ship destroying anything on the deck  as Booth yell out 

Booth: "Get on the rear gun taking fire on our six!"

Locke quickly move to the back as he open the hatch up from the back as he position the machine gun and begin firing on the boats that they are pasting as Harrington almost flew in Locke shot as they shout in the radio

Harrington: "HEY! Watch your fire there"

As Harrington pass through Locke sunk down a PT boat as they were shooting at the plane and then back shooting the Merchant Ship as troops on the deck start firing at the Black Cats as Locke was wiping the infantry off the deck as expulsion happened on the deck 

Laughlin: "BOOM ! Damn right they're re-supplying the enemy decks are loaded with ammunition"

Booth: "We're going in for another run" 

Harrington: "Echo That"

As they making another pass the ship begin firing at the Black Cats as Laughlin felt the shake in his gunner position

Laughlin: "SHIT!! anyone see flak gun on that first pass" 

Booth: "Taking evasive action. Everyone hold on"

One Flak gun almost hit Locke as the shockwave stunned as Booth was making a evasive action from the AA guns

Booth: "DAMN that was close Locke shit tell me we've not lost our gunner"

Landry: "He okay"

Laughlin: "What the fuck are merchant ship doing with that much firepower "

Booth: "That must be some pretty important cargo they're carrying" 

Laughlin: "We need to get below the flak I can't line up a decent shot" 

Booth: "I hear you we got MG fire all around TAKE OUT THOSE FUCKING PT BOATS!! They're our biggest threat right now"

Harrington: "This is getting too risky should we abort?"

Booth: "Negative. we can do this"

 Locke and Laughlin begin firing at the PT boat as Booth begin to fly below from the Flak Gun range

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