White Fang Take over

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U.S Outpost 

April 3 2020

North of Menagerie 

Cpt Ramirez

Trooper were grabbing their weapon from the rack as they were setting up defense position of the outpost as Ramirez was running to the Commander of the base

Ramirez: "Commander I need you to get the evacuate the people here tell them there is attack is coming"

Commander: "Roger what about you Knight where are you going"

Ramirez: "Going to save a Friend"

Commander: "What about the Chameleon girl you captured"

Ramirez: "Set her free"

Commander: "But she-"

Ramirez: "Just do it"

Commander: "Alright good luck Knight"

Ramirez got on a jeep and he drove off to the Belladonna house to hoping to get there in time  

Meanwhile at the Belladonna

Ghira: "I'm afraid you were right to be suspicious"

Blake: "What do you mean"

Ghira: "Adam Tarunas is planning to overthrow the leader of the White Fang and take out U.S outpost

Blake and Sun: "Wait WHAT!?"

Blake: "But that is going to be bad"

Ghira: "That not it he also going to stage a full-scale attack on Haven Academy it going to be the fall of Beacon all over again"

As Blake and Sun looked down on the floor everyone in the room heard a door barged open as they see Ramirez looking at everyone 

Ramirez: "Everyone we got to move no question asked"

Blake: "Ramirez what is going on"

Before anyone could move a window shatter as small object rolled to the floor as Ramirez run to Ghira and Kail 

Ramirez: "GREANDE!!"

Ramirez tackle the two down on the floor as Blake and Sun took cover as the greande exploded the room as White Fang member high five each other for thinking killing the Belladonna family

White Fang Soldier 1: "Nice job"

White Fang Soldier 2: "Come on let go we got a outpost to take"

Ramirez help Blake Mother, Father up from the floor as he check them as Blake and Sun got off the floor

Ramirez: "Is everyone alright"

Blake: "Yeah we are good Ramirez what is going on"

Ramirez: "Turn out your friend talked and White Fang is planning to take over this place"

Ramirez load a new mag for his rifle as the Family fall Ramirez to the front door as they hear gunfire and explosion outside 

Ramirez: "Stay down and follow what I said got it"

Everyone: "Got it"

Ramirez kick down the door as Blake saw Menagerie at half destroyed as U.S troops is fighting White Fang as people running away from the warzone 

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