Bonus Chapter: "Knights in BBTAG"

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(This Timeline will be in Before the Civil War and after the defeat of Salem)

Ramirez: "And that why I'm a protective father."

David: "Because of that stuff toy?"

It shows Team Knights walking in the halls of Beacon as David, Nick, Ramirez and Razor want to spend their time with Team RWBY. Once they reach to their dorm David knocked first and waited for them to respond.

Few minutes later.

Ramirez: "That weird? They said that they have nothing to do."

Nick: "Yang you in there?"

Nick knocked on the door again as David was getting worried about something happened to them as he moves Nick to the side as he got his shield ready.

David: "I got this...."

David then rammed his shield to open the door as the others freaked out knowing what will Glynda do to them.

William: "Bloody hell mate...... Now you are dead."

Zemo: "Does it matter?"

David: "Who cares? Ruby wouldn't go anywhere without asking me of where she's going"

Ramirez *whisper* "That true...."

As they looked at the room for clues after spending a good amount of an hour they found nothing out of place as David turned to the others.

David: "They are probably out to somewhere lets-"

Sarah: "Guys! I think you need to see this...."

They all gather around Sarah as they see a red gem on the floor making David picking it up and looked closely at it.

David: "What is this?"

As David raised it up in the air they see the gem starting to glow as this made the group confused seeing the gem glow brighter David then let go of the gem as they freaked out by this until they were blind by the bright red light.

Ramirez: "AW HELL!"

And so there came a day like no other. When the very fabric of different worlds heroes began to unravel and collide to a different world. Trying to find a way back home with their meddling  forces they could not even possibly comprehend by angering a god.

??:" Ah!  A group of Heroes came from a different world and that they claimed themselves Earth Mightiest Heroes well let see can they survived in....."  

Keystone Scramble Tag Battle Tournament!!

??: "Ooooh this would be exciting seeing this group fight. As they are looking for their daughters' as they are also here in this tournament. But oh boy I can't wait for Knight David-oh I mean Captain America  reaction will be... Anyway let check out our 'Earth Mightiest Heroes' doing shall we?"

?? 2: You dare to interrupted me?......"

??: "Ah sorry......."

Zeus: "I am that god. I...... Zeus and now because of their heroes great insolence their fate of their worlds hangs in balances. They cannot save their world without being destroyed by me."

Back to the Knights.

Ramirez: "AHH!!!!-oh where are we?"

David: "Again in a different world?!"

Not from this World The Age of Salem Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now