The Raven

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Nick: "Knight Leader this is Phoenix leader do you copy over"

David on the radio: "I read you Phoenix leader how your mission"

Nick: "Turn out Yang is heading to Raven over"

David on the radio: "Damn it alright find her and don't let you anger get the control of you Nick when you confront "

Nick: "Alright David I see you soon"

Luke looked at Nick as he took a deep breath and spoke out 

Luke: "Captain I want to ask you something"

Nick: "Go ahead"

Luke: "Right why Yang is so important to you"

Nick looked down all sad as the rest of the team looked at Nick 

Nick: "Right I didn't tell you this before alright the reason she is important to me is because she mine daughter when she was born into my life I thought I will be spending my time with her and see her life but when the portal suck me and the others to earth when I see David trying to get back to the portal I stopped him as I heard him crying and shouting wanting me to let go crying out for his wife so he could see his daughter who was born

But when the portal closed I felt sad that I will not see her again including Ramirez David went on with a depression but when months went by I thought of her every single day until when she came her this made me happy seeing her all grown up but when I learned that Raven left I felt angry and betrayed that she left our daughter alone but when the attack happened and when she lost her arm I just wanted to hug her and tell her everything will be okay 

But I didn't I knew if I told her I was her father I have a good feeling that she will hate me and resented me for not being there"

After Nick told his story Luke looked at Nick placing his hand on his shoulder 

Luke: "Captain it be wrong if you waited and tell her that she is your kid"

Nick: "Yeah I know so when this is all over I'm going to tell her that she is mine kid and we will start over like father and daughter"

Nick and Luke smiled at each other until Jason turn to them

Jason: "Sir we found them it appear she stopped"

Nick: "okay land the chopper little far from them and then we could meet them got it nobody fire until I give the order understood"

Everyone: "Yes sir"

Meanwhile at Haven 

Lionheart was in his office as he cover his face as someone walked into his office 

??: "Are we ready"

??: "Are we ready"

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The two enter a secrets room as there was a grimm communication there 

??: "After you"

Not from this World The Age of Salem Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now