U.S and Russia Alliance

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General Patterson was in the call as many U.S personnel in the Helicarrier as they working on the clock as Patterson was on the phone 

Presidential Aide: "General, you're online with the President and the National Security Council."

As the Aide patch Patterson to The President

Patterson: "Mr. President"

U.S President: "General. Have you found this Salem person yet"

Patterson: "No, but we received actionable intelligence that she have connection to people who are still unknow as The Knights are trying to figure it out. So the situation is still developing."

U.S President: "Alright then what the situation of Remnant General"

Patterson: "A outpost of Menagerie came attacked but lucky David and his forces repealed the attack and currently occupation it. but there multiple reports that Atlas is closing borders with other Kingdom including The Knights Forces."

U.S President: "Damn it I thought we have agreement well then have the Knights able to located the Russian President"

Patterson: "Negative sir David said that they might have him hostage but when they captured Salem contactor they will make him talked David also reports that Haven Academy in Mistral might be attacked by Salem forces"

U.S President: "General we can't lose Mistral to the enemy do whatever you can to defend it"

Patterson: "What would you do"

U.S President: "I will have a chat with Russia Vice President hoping that we could forge alliances against this enemy"

White House 

U.S President POV

After the attacked That Salem did at Washington it under way being repaired as I stand inside of the Oval Office looking at the window of the reconstruction of Washington 

U.S Staff: "Mr. President"

Me: "Yes what is it"

U.S Staff: "The Russia first deputy chairman is on right now on your phone sir"

Me: "Thank you"

As the Staff leave the office I walked to the desk and picked up the phone as I greeted the First Deputy

Met: "Chairman"

Russia Chairman: "President"

Me: "I know you are defending against the enemy that came attacking your country trust me I know what it like"

Russia Chairman: "What do you mean"

Me: "The People who attacking your country also attacked my they take one of base in here in my country attacked Three of my cities and then at Washington and the person behind it declare war on my country and it seem that she want to take both of us"

Russia Chairman: "It seem that we have a common enemy Mr. President and Russia will join your war and be you allied"

Me: "Thank you now how are going push back the enemy"

Russia Chairman: "The Generals are planning a counter attack then we will push into their Heart land putting them down for good"

Me: "I see"

Back to Remnant 

interrogation room

Punch was being made as someone spilt blood on the ground as someone shouted

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