How should The Age of Salem should have ended

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David House

It show the Knights there standing at the living room of David house all trash as the Salem message slowly faded away.

Salem: "The Knights extinction."

David then threw his shield at Salem as she disappear into black dust as the shield hit the wall as it return back to him.

Few Moment later

Jason: "All the work of Remnant is gone! Someone deleted everything! And now Salem has access in the internet."

Roze: "If she's in the internet she can do anything."

Ramirez: "Hey guys um I can't check my e-mails."

Sarah: "She changed all our passwords!"

Luke: "It gets worse. Salem shut off the cable."

Knight William: "Okay then. How are we supposed to watch Game of Thrones now Captain?! HOW!?"

Razor: "We've got no cable we've got no internet. I'm freaking out guys! AHHHHHHH!!!!"

Razor then begin destroying things as Sarah tried to calm him down by chasing after him.

Sarah: "Razor come back!"

Nick: "Okay I'm calling in Veronica"

Arthur on the phone speaker: "You think I don't know about Veronica?"

Veronica: "I HAVE FAILED YOU!" 


Nick: "Okay! Let's see how fast I can buy the parts for a new Veronica"

Nick look at his bank account as he sees all of his money and Military money were gone.

Nick: "Oh.... That's evil"

Ramirez: "She turning our technology against she made the traffic light go all green"

It show's Cars crashing into each other on the road as everyone was freaking out as cars were crashing at each others.

Luke: "I can handle this. War Machine coming right at atcha!"

Nothing happened as Luke stands there with his arms up as it show his faceplate of his arm came sliding on the floor and hitting his foot.

Nick: "Don't worry I got this" *Raise his right hand*

Nothing also happened to Nick as he stands there confused of looking for his armor.

Salem on the TV: "Oh yeah I hacked your suits."

Louis: "This is bad very, very bad"

Patterson came in freaking out and angry as he yelled out the Knights.

Patterson: "Okay guys.  What the hell is going on!"

After saying that the lights of David house turn off as everyone look at the window of David house as they see a News Helicopter came crashing down to the city of Weslaco as explosion's and panic could hear in the distance as Knight David speak out.

David: "We have to save these people. Everyone get into the quinjet!"

Salem: "I hope you don't mean. This quinjet."

Arthur was remotely controlling the quinjet as she made him crashed it down in the citys as everyone was panicking.

The Knights: "OH COME ON!!"

Ramirez: "NOOOOOO!!!!!!"

 Fast forward

Louis: "Father!"

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