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Few Days later


Texas David House

It show David enter his home placing his keys away as he turn on the light of the living room David walked alone in the house as he took a deep breath and exhaling it 

David: "Home sweet home"

He walked to the fridge and open grabbing his favorite soda and walking to the living room entering the room David walked up to the record player and grabbed one the disc place it on and putting the needle on it and pushed play listen the music playing.

While listening to the song David slowly walk to his chair with his drink in his hand taking a sit David take a sip closing his eyes relaxing from what has happened not till someone knock on the door

David: "Coming"

David got up from his chair and walked to the front door reaching to the door David open it only to be tackle by Ruby as Summer stand there smiling as they walked in with their bags 

Ruby: "David we are going to be together again!"

David: "Yeah together again"

Summer hears the song playing in the living room as she smiled Summer look at Ruby giving her bag

Summer: "Ruby go to your room and place your stuff there while your Dad and I do something here"

Ruby: "Okay mom"

As the Ruby sped off grabbing her stuff and went to her room Summer grabbed David as the two smiled and walked to the living room hearing the song playing

Never thought that you would be

standing here so close to me

there's so much I feel that I should say

but words can wait until some other day

David: "Do you want to dance?"

Summer: "How could you know"

David took Summer hand and got close together not letting them go as they slow dance to the song 

Kiss me once, then kiss me twice

Then kiss me once again

It's been a long, long time

Haven't felt like this, my dear

Ruby: "Hey mom I finish-"

Ruby stop her on tracks seeing her Parents dancing to the song as she smiled and walked up to her room leaving David and Summer in their moment

Since I can't remember when

It's been a long, long time

You'll never know how many dreams

I've dreamed about you

Or just how empty they all seemed without you

So kiss me once, then kiss me twice

Then kiss me once again

It's been a long, long time

As  the song was still playing David and Summer looked at each other not letting go as tears were rolling down in there cheeks as they kiss while the screen fade into black

Not from this World The Age of Salem Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now