The Battle of Two Worlds 2/2

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U.S Trooper: "MOVE!! MOVE!!"

British Knight: "Bloody hell!"

Russian Troop: " There so many of grimm!!!"

French Troop: "Just keep killing them"

As troops slowly push up while rockets and motors fly above them as the scream of wounded filled the air as one solider on the radio in cover of the trench as he shouts

U.S Trooper: "Enemy flanking us on the left side we need some air support NOW!!!"

Command: "Roger A-10 inbound"

A-10 came down tearing grimm into pieces not till fly back in the air returning to base for refuel as Nick knocked Arthur away from him as he see the Battlefield as bodies fall to the ground as rifles dropped to the floor blood splatter on the ground 

As one Helicopter came crashing down after small grimm tear the blade apart killing themselves including everyone on the chopper.

Arthur got himself and walked up to Nick smiling evilly as he hit him down to the floor and put his foot on his chest 

Arthur: "you have failed Knight once you died including your Knight leader Salem will take over this world and your world and all of it will be in here imagine"

Nick: "And I won't LET THAT HAPPENED!!!"

Nick quickly used his jet boot making him fly off the ground and Arthur fall to the ground as he land to the ground Arthur and Nick run to each get in a lock as Nick glare at him

Nick: "Because we don't give up"

Nick quickly shoved Arthur away and then give him a quick punch in the face and then over and over making Arthur armor tear to shred 

Hazel let go of the chain in the air after getting his feet stuck by the floor Razor ran and grabbed the chain and wrapped it around Hazel neck choking him as the two struggle against each other Hazel tried to break free as Razor hold his ground while getting hand on his face or getting hit in the ribs

Razor tighten the chain grip as he screamed in the air as he heard someone screamed at him

Blake: "DAD STOP!!!"

Razor looked at Blake who holding Velikan who was injury Razor let go the chain making Hazel dropped to the floor as he place his foot on Hazel chest and screamed in the air letting the entire Remnant know who the strongest there is


After finished beating Hazel Razor turn to Blake as she smiled at her father and walked up to him and give him a hug after done hugging each other the two turn to the battlefield as he looked at his daughter

Razor: "The troops need our help let go"

Blake: "Sure Dad let go"


Ramirez: "ZEMO MOVE!! ACK!!!"

Ramirez dropped his sniper as Sarah, William, Louis and Zemo were badly hurt as they were on their knees having blood drip down to the floor as they looked up to see Ramirez being choked by Tyrian. Sarah tried to get her pistol aimed at him but he looked at the sister and move her brother as a shield

Not from this World The Age of Salem Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now