Chapter 3

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❝ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇᴀsᴏɴ ᴡʜʏ ɪ ᴀᴍ sᴍɪʟɪɴɢ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ

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❝ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇᴀsᴏɴ ᴡʜʏ ɪ ᴀᴍ sᴍɪʟɪɴɢ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ.❞


Her irises glimmered beneath the golden ball's luminary, mesmerized by the ethereal figure in white gracing with serene before her. Soovin sat on the soft verdant grass below a lofty willow tree, it's leaves drooping low as if they were curtains to a stage. Her legs crossed over one another while her elbows propped up against them, only for her palms to cup either side of her canvas as she looked beyond the area.

The sun was nothing but a aureate ovoid in the lurid azure firmament, its rays beaming down on the clearing below. Soovin's eyes wandered towards him as the sunlight radiated a smooth, golden glow on his elegant build.

Her eyes filled to the brim with glistening wonder as she was utterly ravished with the view that was presented in front of her very eyes. She was entranced with the way he made his jumps and how he proceeded with flawless movements, while the wide smile across his face seemed contagious.

Park Sunghoon glimpsed over his shoulder, a soft grin painted across his sunlit canvas of his well sculpted face as their orbs locked with one another's. She instantly felt the fluttering of butterflies emerging within the depths of her stomach, awakening the timorous frenzy from deep inside.

"How was it?" Sunghoon questioned the dazed girl that sat behind the drape of willow leaves, as he waltzed so elegantly towards her.

"H-hmm? Oh right, it was—" She stammered as her conscious adverted to her side, only to see the boy ensconced right next to her figure.

"Were you even paying attention?" The Park boy released a series of titters as he noticed her cheeks crimson before him.

"I was." She responded straightforwardly, while her palms fell flush against either side of her heated canvas, attempting to hide what seemed to be surging blush.

"I bet you weren't. You were zoned out just now." Sunghoon pouted, as he crossed his arms over each other while he turned his pate the other direction.

"Yah— I actually was!"

"Nope, don't believe you."

"You were very good."

"Good? Just good? You're only saying that because you didn't even watch me." He uttered, heaving his whole body around, so that he was faced away from her.

"Okay you were amazing. Spectacular. Magnificent. Extravagant. Splendid. Stunning. Want me to keep going?"

"I'd like it if you did." He boldly ordered as he glanced over his shoulder.

"Oh my god— Fine." She inhaled a deep sigh before continuing. "Majestic. Awe-inspiring. Breathtaking. Astounding. Wonderful."

"You know you forgot handsome, right?"

"Oh yeah that too— I mean, uhh... You and handsome?! Pfft."

"Stop lying to yourself. You know really well that I'm handsome." A playful grin crept upon the canvas of his glowing face, as his orbs twinkled with speckles of glint. Sunghoon stood to his soles, brushing away strands of grass from his grey uniform trousers before making his way towards the school building.

"I'm not lying! Well I- kinda I guess... but hold on, where are you going!" Soovin yelled, her voice traveling across the field to reach the boy that winked his eye whilst he sauntered backwards, only for the Ahn girl's visage to grimace in dissatisfaction.

"You are lying~ You are lying~" Sunghoon chimed as he began to pick up his pace, his feet falling against the grass as he ran from Soovin who fell behind.

"You! Park Sunghoon!"

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