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I turned 21 a couple of days ago and wrote part of this while being slightly tipsy, so let me know if something doesn't make sense or if I ramble lol. 

For the days until Maryse Lightwood showed up in New York, Magnus and Alec spent as much time together as possible. Unfortunately, they had to stay away from each other once she arrived. 

"I miss him," Alec complained to Jace.

"How long as it been?" Jace's voice was sympathetic. 

"Three days! It's been three days since we last saw each other. I hate being away from him this long." 

Jace sighed and thought for a few minutes. "What if we can sneak you over for the night?"

Alec's face lit up, "Would you? Really?"

"Of course I would! You're my brother, and I know how you feel. I couldn't go that long without seeing Clary. Tonight, we'll find a way to sneak you out and I'll cover for you overnight. You just have to be back early in the morning okay?"

"Jace, thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Alec wrapped his arms around his parabatai in a tight embrace. 

Jace smiled, "It's no problem, really."

Maryse came to the door of the weapons room. "Alec? Can I have a work with you?"

Jace and Alec looked at each other in fear. Did Maryse hear them?

"Yeah, I'll be there in a second, okay?" Alec replied. Maryse smiled and nodded, then walked toward her office. 

"Do you think she heard?" Alec panicked. 

"No, I don't think she did. She didn't seem angry, and you know she has trouble hiding her anger."

"That's true. Guess I'll have to find out what she wants then."


Alec knocked before opening the door that led into the institute office. 

"Hey, what's up?" Alec asked. 

Maryse smiled and stood to hug her son. "I missed you, Alec!"

"I missed you too." Alec tried his best not to show his mom that he actually preferred when she wasn't around as much. 

"I have something important to talk to you about." She let go of Alec and gestured to the seat on the opposite side of the desk that dominated the room. 

"Oh?" Alec started to feel nervous. 

"You're going to be 18 soon, and that means you're going to start running the institute here." 

Alec suddenly started feeling overwhelmed. He hadn't been completely paying attention to his training for running the institute. In all honestly, he didn't care that much about it if it would take him away from Magnus.

"And since you haven't found a girlfriend yet, I thought it would be a great opportunity to make a connection to the Los Angeles institute."

"Wait? What do you mean 'a connection'?" 

Maryse gave Alec a look, "Well, of course I mean that I've set up a marriage between you and Helen Blackthorn."

"Mom! How could you do that? You didn't even ask me."

"Alec, what do you mean? You're not seeing anybody, and this actually made it easier for you. You and Helen will be wed, and you guys will form a bridge between the Los Angeles and the New York institutes. Whichever one you are not currently at, another Blackthorn or Lightwood will take over until you need to switch again. It's a great plan Alec, and it's what's best for the institutes."

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