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Message. Again. "Izzy, come on!" I say, slightly exasperated. "Hello! This is Isabelle Lightwood. I am busy doing something more fun then answering your call right now, so call back later! Bye!" Beeeep. "Izzy! I really need you to pick up already! I don't care if you're doing the do with Simon, I need you at our place NOW!! It's really, really important!" I hung up. Magnus looked at me. "Was the whole 'doing the do with Simon' part really necessary?" I glared at him. "It's important. And since telling her it's important doesn't work, I'm thinking that if I get her angry enough, she might just barge in here to bust my face in, then see the problem." I explain. Magnus seemed taken aback for a second. "That's actually pretty smart." He says. I just roll my eyes. At that precise moment, Isabelle walked in. Or barged in. "What the hell is this-" she stopped when she saw Magnus. "Oh my..." She trailed off. "How?" "We were taking a walk-" I start. Magnus interrupts. "Then we heard crying. A baby crying. We went to check it out-" "And we found her" I say, indicating the child. The warlock child. Isabelle just looks dumbstruck for a minute. Then she squeals. "I have to call Jace and Clary and Simon and oh my goodness this is amazing!" She says, so fast I barely catch it. Then she whips out her phone to make all the calls. I'm blushing a little. Magnus sees me and smiles. "She making you nervous?" He asks "A little." I agree. About 15 minutes later, Simon, Jace, and Clary walk in. "Isabelle told us." Simon said. Jace scratched the back of his neck. "How...?" I explain again, Magnus piping in if I miss something. Then the big question comes. "Are you going to keep her?" Clary asked it. Me and Magnus look at each other. We can't just leave her. "Yes." We say together. "What should we name her?" I ask. Wow, I actually surprised myself. Since when did I become the ice breaker? "Malec." Clary, Jace, Simon, and Isabelle say in unison. (Alec and Magnus have no idea they had a ship name, so it's just a name to them) Magnus and I look at each other and shrug. "Why not?" He asks. "Malec it is." I confirm.

Malec Bane LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now