Chapter 6- The Best Text Conversation Ever

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When I got home, Alec was waiting for me. I grinned nervously. "Am I in trouble?" I ask, waving my hand behind my back. I was trying to move my books to a secret hiding place in my room with my magic, because if I am in trouble, I would really rather not have to have those taken away. He just laughs at my nervousness. "No, your not in trouble. I just want to know how the date went." He says, smiling a little. I feel a blush coming on, but I push it back down. It was not a date, but if I'm going to make him believe that, I'm going to have to put on the act. Thankfully, I'm real good at this.
I put on a super confused face. "Date? With whom? Do you have the wrong person?" I ask, putting concern and confusion in my voice. Acting, playing dumb especially, are some of my best talents. He looks confused. I have succeeded!
Then Magnus comes over. Now I'm screwed.
Sadly, it's a lot harder to fool Magnus with this kind of stuff, maybe it's a warlock to warlock thing. Anyway, he gives me a look. It's supposed to be a scolding look, but I see behind it. They think this is hilarious. I decide to keep up the acting. "I really don't know what you're talking about. It's scaring me a little, so can you please stop?" I finish, adding a cornered and scared look at the end. They both glare at me. "With Nico." Alec finally says. Then, they can't hold it anymore. They are both on the floor laughing. I just give an exasperated sigh before I start laughing too.
I love my parents.

Two days later, on Saturday, I wake up at Ella's. We had a sleepover after, well, the events of Friday. The Pandemonium, like every week. I look over at Ella, she's not awake. I frown, because I'm always the last one awake, then I look at the clock and realize it's only 5 am in the morning! I don't want to wake Ella up, or leave the room cause I might wake up someone else, so I decide to text Nico. He probably won't even answer, but that's what I feel like doing, so I do.

Hey, I know it's early, but I'm bored. And not tired at all. So talk to me!!!! -Malec

I know I won't get an answer till later on, but I send it anyway. I'm really surprised to hear my phone buzz, so I check it, and it's Nico! I read the text:

I'm bored too. What do you want to talk about? -Nico

Camp Half-Blood. Books. Vegas. Anything.😊 -Malec

Vegas!?!?!?!? -Nico

Sorry. It's a habit and an obsession. I really really really want to go there. I could just make a portal, but I wouldn't be able to stay long. And, I don't want to go by myself. But I would have to, cause Magnus has got clients, Alec has shadowhunting, Ella has shadowhunting, Max has shadowhunting, blah blah blah. I'm lonely!!!!! 😔 -Malec


Somebody's jealous!!!😏 -Malec

What?!?!? I am not jealous. At all. Anyway you did not answer my question. -Nico

He's just my cousin! Chill!😅 -Malec

Oh..... Um, awkward. -Nico

I'm coming over.😐 -Malec

How?!?!? You don't even know where I live. Well, where I live temporarily. -Nico

Your going to tell me. I want to talk to you in person. And temporarily? What does that mean?😉 -Malec

Umm, I mean, at the moment, I am living in a hotel. And ok? I'll text you the address in a few minutes, I have to check, I forget where it is. -Nico

K. Btw, at the moment is atm. -Malec

A couple hours later, I show up at the Hotel Kaunas. I check my phone. I'm supposed to go to room 1048. The tenth floor. I wonder if he's afraid of heights. Dam, my mind wanders. Since its early in the morning and I'm way to lazy to climb the stairs, and the elevators aren't on this early, I snap my fingers and I end up crashing on his bed. And on to him. He screams slightly. "Holy Hephaestus Malec! When you said you were going to come see me, I didn't know you meant like this!" He says, blushing intently. I fall on the floor laughing. When I've laughed myself out, and I can actually talk, I explain. "I was too lazy too walk here, so I portalled here, then I was too lazy to climb the stairs, so I teleported here." I say, still laughing a little. His blush has still not subsided. I look at him properly, as the realization dawns on me. He's only in his underwear. My eyes widen. I start laughing uncontrollably again, and his blush only darkens. When I have calmed down a little, I snap my fingers and he becomes clothed. He starts to stop blushing. "Okay. So what did you want to talk about so desperately you could not text it?" He asks. I am still laughing a little, so I compose myself enough to answer. I actually turn super serious. And start blushing. "We-well, I need to ask-" I stop abruptly. He's laughing. "What's so funny?" I ask, irritated. "Well, it's just unusual for you to be so, so well, non-arrogant, unconfident, and nervous." He finishes. I sit on the edge of the bed. "Fine." I inhale. "Welliwanttoknowsomethingthatisreallyimprotantsoheregoes doyoulikemeithinkyoudojustsoyouknowireallylikeyousoifyoulikemepleasetellmenow." I finish, fast as I exhale. I'm blushing, and I consider leaving, but I know I need to be brave. I prepare myself to look over at him, but just then I feel something warm press against my lips. My eyes widen in shock, and I realize Nico has his lips pressed against mine. I close my eyes. And I pull him closer, kiss him harder, and so does he, and everything is just immaculate. He brakes away panting. He's grinning. "That felt good." I say, smirking. He opens his mouth to respond, but I don't let him. I press my lips to his, wrapping my arms around his neck. He seems surprised at first, then he melts into the kiss.

Malec Bane LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now