Chapter 7- The Announcement

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I arrive home at about noon, after walking around town for a while wondering what happened. At around nine it hit me. I have a boyfriend. A perfect, sexy, amazing boyfriend. The boy. Nico di Angelo.
When I get home, I'm surprised to see we have company. Ella's here, along with Aunt Clary and Uncle Jace. Max is here with Aunt Izzy and Uncle Simon too. Obviously, Magnus and Alec are there too.
Ella sees me and grins. "Hey!" she calls. I smile back. "Hey to you too." I say, nonchalantly. I sit, or lay on the couch with my head in Ella's lap, Chairman Meow lying on my stomach. I start up a conversation with Chairman Meow. For some reason, a warlock trait I guess, I can speak cat. Our conversation goes something like this:

"Hey Chairman, whadya do today? Did Sparkly One or Blue Eyed One remember to feed you?"

"Hmph. No, they did not remember. I am starving. As soon as the others came, I was forgotten!"

"How terrible! Come, I'll feed you now, then I'll cuddle you again. You don't mind if I talk to the others though, do you?"

"As long as I get fed."

I then walk to he kitchen, getting Chairman some tuna. I sit there scratching his ears till he's done. It's weird, but he is probably my best friend aside from Ella. He's actually good company. When he's done, I go back to our position on the couch. "Where were you this morning?" Ella asks. "Yes, we would all like to know that. Gone for five hours at least, not even a text." Magnus adds. I bite my lip. Oops. "Umm, I was out. Doing stuff." I reply. Jeez, it sounds weak even to my own ears. "Out doing what?" Uncle Jace asks, almost growling. Despite the situation, I smile slightly to myself. Uncle Jace has always been really protective of me, sometimes treating me as a daughter. I really love my Uncle Jace, and he's so loving towards me, and it makes me proud.
I blush. Should I tell them what I was out doing? Part of me doesn't want to. What's the reason? I'll obviously tell Ella, her being my best friend and all, and maybe Max, he's trustworthy, but do I have to tell everybody? 'Yes.' A voice in my head says. Fine. I always act like the freaking Queen of England, so I better start living up to my actions, brave and overconfident and arrogant, as I have 'overheard' some people say.
"I've got a boyfriend." I say bluntly. Ella looks shocked, then goes back to normal. Aunt Izzy and Aunt Clary share an amused expression. Alec just smiles at me, which confuses me, because I thought he'd be the overprotective one, but surprisingly, it's Magnus. And Uncle Jace. "No." They say at the same time. Then they look at each other, confused, like they couldn't believe they actually agreed on something. I give them a weird look. "Yes." I say. "And before you go into the whole me-being-too-young-and-not-ready-for- this-and-he's-just-going-to-break-my-heart crap, let me tell you neither of you have any right to tell me that. First of all, Magnus, a few days ago you thought it was hilarious that I was dating." He opens his mouth to reply, but I hold up a hand, silencing him, and continue. "And Uncle Jace, you have dated a whole bunch of people in the past. Both of you shut it and go with it." And with that, I leave the room.

A few days later, everyone has excepted it. I would be happy, except I keep having these dreams. They take place in the warlock adoption center, glamoured from mundanes, and I really don't remember anything else, I just wake up feeling giddy and happier than I have felt in a while. I think I have figured out what it means.

I want to have a little sibling.

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