Chapter 5- Son of Hades

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At dinner, I'm to busy smiling to myself to pay much attention to what Alec is saying. I only catch bits and pieces, like work, glamour, demons, and idiots. The last one has come up more than once. It's quite unusual for Alec to rant about work, then again, I'm not even sure he's ranting, I've been to busy daydreaming. "-so what do you think, Malec?" "What?" I ask. I have absolutely no idea what he just said. I find myself blushing. I hope they don't notice. "About Ella and the twins coming here for Christmas?" Alec repeats. "Um, ok, I'm great with it, Ella can bunk with me, but is there a reason?" I ask, pretty confused. "He just spent 25 minutes giving you a reason. You weren't paying attention?" Magnus says, giving me a please-don't-make-me-sit-through-another-lecture-I-honestly-couldn't-care-less look. Me and Magnus communicate through looks a lot. "No, I guess not." I answer. Before Alec can start again, I say "No though! That's okay! I don't need a reason! It would be great if they came! No reason needed." I say, super fast. He gives me a weird look. Is there something on your mind?" He asks. I blush again, and this time I know they see it. "Oh yes there is." Magnus says, under his breath. I blush harder."No. Nothing important." And before this gets really embarrassing, I make up some excuse about homework and run off to my room.
The next day, I call Ella to tell her about the boy, Nico. I don't tell her everything, just the part about this thanking me for knocking out the other guy and introducing himself. Okay, so I stretched to truth a little. A lot. But it doesn't matter right now. "Is he cute?" Ella asks? I sputter. "What's that got to do with anything?" I say. "Oh, come on." She says, no doubt rolling her eyes. "You actually don't know?" She asks, sounding a little bewildered. "I have no freaking clue what you are talking about. And I'm not sure I want to." I say. I'm pretty ticked off by now. She mutters something. "What?" I ask. "Nothing." She says. I don't push it, because it can't be anything good. just then the doorbell rang. What if it was Nico? "I got it!" I yell. "Sorry Ella, gotta go, bye!" I hang up then run downstairs to answer the door. I was right. It is Nico. "Hey." He says, smiling. i grin back at him. "You found me, huh?" I ask. Captain obvious much. He nods. "Just a minute." I say. I step inside and see Alec coming down the stairs. "I'm going out, ok?" I ask. He rolls his eyes like, teenagers, but I can see he's surprised. "To do what?" He asks. "To be social." I answer, with a shrug. "Finally!" He says smiling. "You may go."

Nico and I just walk around the city all day talking. Ranting, to be honest. About how terrible school is, how annoying people are, how stupid school is, I complain about how annoying slow wifi is, he complains about how annoying it is he cannot have electronics and stay alive at the same time- at which I had to stop for a minute and ask how he survives, wifi keeps me alive, warlock or not.-, how much of a waste of time school is, how stupid mundanes are, how school sucks, school, school, school! We just end up laughing after a while. "But seriously though, I'm glad to be alive." He says. " I guess I am." I say. He looks alarmed. "What's that supposed to mean?" He asks. "Well, I'm immortal. All warlocks are. And it's awful, because I'll still be alive when all my family is dead..." I trail off. Neither of us say anything for a while. "Wow." He says, a few minutes later. "I always thought it would be great to be immortal, not having to leave anyone behind, but now that I think if it, being immortal is worse." He comments. I nod. "Magnus told me about it, and I'm not looking forward to it." I say. "Who's Magnus?" Nico asks. I bite my lip. I don't really tell people about my parents, it's not that I'm ashamed, it's just that every time I do, they start the labelling. They say the most disgusting things possible about my parents, and I can't control myself, and I let my magic loose... "Well, he's my dad, I guess. Alec is too." I look over at him, expecting him to look uncomfortable. But he doesn't. If anything, he looks happier. "Um, don't take this the wrong way, but your not freaking out. That is confusing me. Want to explain?" I ask, more of an order than a question really. He blushes a little. "Well, I'm bisexual, and I guess it's a bit of a relief to know I'm not the only one." I smile, because I'm happy for him, but for some reason I feel a little disappointed as well. I decide not to dwell on it. We end up at McDonald's. He looks hungry, and I laugh when I see his expression. "Wanna go in?" I ask him. He grins. "There's only one answer to that." He replies. I laugh as we walk in.
We just order some fries then sit down. "So, I've been thinking." I begin. "What about?" He asks. "Well earlier, you said you were a demigod and..." I stop, because I don't think he is listening. He seems pretty absorbed in eating. "Are you even listening?" I ask, exasperated. he looks up. "What?" He looks confused. I laugh. "Pay attention." I tell him. This time he looks at me. "As I was saying, you said earlier you were a demigod. Well, I know what I demigod is. Greek myths were some of the first things I read. Anyway, you guys are part god or goddess and part mortal, right?" He looks impressed. I continue. "Well, I'd like to know who your godly parent is. You know lots about me, and I don't know much about you." I say, glad to have finally said it. He raises his eyebrows. "I think you know." He says. I sigh. "I probably do, but my point is, I want to hear your story from you, not me." He just smiles. "Alright. Well, my dad is Hades." I nod. That part I got. "Well, all demigods go to this place, it's called Camp Half-Blood. For most demigods, it's a summer camp, but for the really powerful ones, like the children of-" "Poseidon, Zeus, Athena, Hades-" I cut in. He nods. "So why not you?" I ask. "Your a child of Hades, and from what I've read, your pretty freaking fabulous." I say, getting really excited. "Well, my dad thinks I am behind in education. And I need to go to mortal school, of all places." He makes a face. I agree. Mundane school is annoying. "So, how are you not being attacked every second?" I ask, genuinely curious. "Well, he blessed me or something, and now monsters steer clear. I've seen them, but it's like they can't see me." He explains. "But if that's true, why don't you just do it to all demigods? Problem solved, right?" I ask. "For one-" he starts, "the monsters would attack the mundanes." I finish. Then I blush. "Sorry. Sometimes I answer my own questions after I ask them." I say. He laughs. "It's all right. Saves me from explaining. Anyway, it also takes a lot out of my dad, and it's hard for me too. It's not that I like fighting monsters, but in a classroom? I'm ADHD, so I get super bored super fast." I look at him. "Your dyslexic too?" I ask. He nods. I notice there are a lot of people staring at us. At me. He gives me an odd look. "Is there a reason they're staring at us?" He asks, looking confused. I blush. "They're looking at me, don't worry about it." I say. It's not something I'm not used too, it's just odd when there's someone with me who's not family. Ella, my aunts and uncles, other cousins, parents, they're used to it, and they're my family, so I don't feel weird. But for some reason I do now. "Is there a reason?" He asks. He looks concerned. "Isn't it obvious?" I ask. He looks confused. "All warlocks have at least one trait, as I said before, that marks us as un-human. My skin sparkles. If it was just a little, they'd probably think it's just a new trend or something, but I have so much, and everywhere, so they wonder what's wrong with me." I explain, looking down. Now that I think about it, it's kinda embarrassing. He looks at me. "It doesn't look that weird. But if it's bothering you, we can leave." He offers. I think about it for a minute. I've never cared before. Why should I care now? Magnus is proud of his eyes. So I will be proud as well. "No, it's all right. They're just jealous." I say grinning. He grins too. "Then by all means, let's keep talking." He says. And we do.

Malec Bane LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now