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A/N= ummm, never done this before! but credit to fizzabel for creating Staria, and most of this plot. Read Happy Birthday Alec, it's real good. And credit too Cassandra Claire for Alec and Magnus. Thanks for reading!

When I bring this up the next morning, they both just look at me oddly. "What?" Alec asks, as if he didn't hear me correctly. I sigh. "I want a sibling." I say, again, starting to get a little annoyed. They are both silent for a while, letting that sink in. Then Magnus shrugs. "I'm good with it." He says. Alec looks at him. Magnus looks back. They seem to have a silent conversation with their eyes. I raise my eyebrows at them. "I'll just leave you to your, uh, conversation then..." I say, stepping away. "No, no. It's alright. I'm on board with it too." Alec says. I sigh in relief. "Anyone in particular?" Magnus asks. "Yes actually." I respond. "A warlock sister would be nice." I finish. They don't look surprised. They just smile. "You wanna go to the adoption center today?" Alec asks. I grin at him. "Yes!" I practically shout. And with that, we set off.

"The first floor's is one year and under, the second is toddlers, and the third is 7 and up. Have a look around and come to the front desk on the first floor when you are ready." Says a kind warlock woman. "Thanks!" I exclaim. Then I run to the elevator and hurriedly press the '3' button. Magnus and Alec follow. "You want someone over 7?" Magnus asks. "Yea." I reply. They look at each other and shrug.
When he elevator dings, I run out to the floor. "We're going to stay here and talk to the -uh- person-that-takes-care-of-the-children ok?" Alec calls. I just nod. For some odd reason, there's just this force dragging me to the bedrooms.
I kind of just let a gut feeling guide me, and I end up the in 'special needs' section. It's fairly quiet, except for a faint humming coming from one of the bedrooms. I follow it. "Hello?" I call, when I get to the door. A beautiful little girl looks back at me. She has long, green hair -her warlocks mark?-, and also red eyes, I do wonder if she has two. She yelps. "H-hello. You scared me." She says, sounding out of breath. "Hello. I'm sorry for scaring you." I say, as gently as possible. She looks at me curiously. "Who are you?" She asks. I smile. "My name is Malec. Malec Bane Lightwood." I say. Her eyes widen. "You're M-Malec? As in Malec Bane Lightwood? As in the daughter of Alec Lightwood and Magnus Bane?" She splitters out. I smile slightly and nod. "How would you like to become their daughter too?" I ask, feeling good about this. She squeals. "Yes! Yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyeayesyeysyssysysysysyyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyss!" She screams. "Alrighty, pack your things." I tell her. She giggles and complies. "And by the way, my name is Staria." She says. All of a sudden, the wall behind her springs to life with beautiful drawings! I gasp. "Did you draw those?!" I ask, completely shocked. She blushes and nods. "Yes. But don't tell, okay? Miss Nameni is mean, she doesn't  let us draw or use magic, and, well, as you can see, I have done both." She says, looking down at the floor. I frown. What stupid rules. Then I smile. "Good thing you won't have to worry about those rules soon, since your coming to our place." I say, grinning like an idiot. She grins back. "I'll actually start packing now." She says, laughing. I laugh with her. "Ok. Oh and do you know where the bathroom is?"

A few minutes later, I am walking back towards Staria's room and I hear yelling. Then I run, hoping it isn't coming from Staria's room. Of course, it is. "IDIOT CHILD! HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU, NO GLAMOUR OR DRAWINGS! YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO THIS ADOPTION CENTER!" I hear a voice screech. I come in Staria's room just in time to see the woman slap the child. I see red. "HOW DARE YOU TOICH ME SISTER!" I yell, my fingers crackling with red sparks. Alec and Magnus and many other adoption care workers come running in. Alec runs forward and grabs my hands. Staria whimpers and hides behind my legs. Everyone sees the red handprint on Staria's face, my look of hatred towards that monster of a person, and puts two and two together. I bend down to Staria's height. "You ready to go?" I ask, gently as possible. She nods, silently crying. I kiss her tears away. Magnus and Alec have small smiles on their faces. "So she's the one, darling?" Magnus asks. I nod, smiling a little too. Alec picks Staria up and kisses her forehead. She smiles. Then we leave, all feeling a bit better.

Miss Nameni gets fired.

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