Chapter 9-

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At first, Staria had her own room.

But not anymore.

It started the day she came home with us. She was incredibly happy, not at all shy or needing adjustment to her new home. She loved it here, actually. But it was nighttime when problems started to occur.

I was a very light sleeper, at those rare times I actually got to sleep. I started to hear whimpering coming from the room next to me. At first I dismissed it as wind, but it was when I started to hear quiet crying that I got worried.

I crept into Staria's new room, silently opening the door. I saw her hiding under the covers, her cries turning into sobs. I run over to her and pull off her covers, holding her close to me.

"Staria, Staria love tell me what's wrong!" I cry, her pain breaking my heart.

"Th-the nightmares, Malec. There j-just getting w-worse and worse..." She trails off, hiccuping. I hug her, whooshing her and smoothing down her hair. I start singing to her, trying to get her to fall asleep. In a few minutes, I hear slight snores and see she is asleep. I smile gently and get under the covers with her, soon closing my eyes for the first time in weeks.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2015 ⏰

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