Chapter 1- First day of High School. Hurrah.

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(14 years later)
Malec (the baby warlock girl)

Ugh. Why won't Magnus and Alec let me go to a different school? I'm a warlock, I do magic, so why do I have to suffer through mundane schools? They're so boring, and I don't see how it will help me in the future. 'You'd be surprised, what mundanes can teach you.' That's what they tell me. But so far, nothing that is of importance to me ever comes up.
Elementary wasn't so hard, but it was really, really boring. I heard some other boys in my old class complaining about graduating, cause they said high school was hell. "Woodland high, the place where dreams come true." I mutter with as much sarcasm I can. The bus arrives at the school. I stall as long as I can, until the bus driver yells at me to get the heck off, cause he has other students to deliver. Well, at least I'm not the only one suffering.
My first step in the school, and I know I'm going to hate it. The stereotypical high school, vandalized lockers, smelly kids, and the big bully pushing smaller kids around. Yep, it's gonna be a great year.
All of a sudden, I feel someone shove me into a locker. "What's with the glitter, Princess?" Someone sneers. I turn around, face to face with the ugliest person I've ever met. " Trying to hide your pimples?" This again. Being a warlock, I look fairly humanoid, but there are usually one or two things that mark me as, well, non-human. Mine is that I sparkle. Literally. My skin is full of glitter. Lucky really, I can usually just say it's makeup, or body glitter. But usually, some thick-headed idiot or jealous snot-mouth will make it seem like I painted myself. I like it though. It usually means I can have a little fun...
"You really wanna go there?" I ask, coolly. "That a threat" the bully asks, in a falsely afraid tone. Now people are staring. "Yes, actually, it is. Jealous you didn't think of it yourself?" Someone laughs. The bully glares at them, and they quickly cover it with a cough. "You trying to be cool, glitter-freak? Well, your going to pay for embarrassing me. Hmm, since you seem to like your looks a lot, what about something to scar up that pretty little face?" One of his buddies sneers. "So you are jealous. Trying to scar me up so you don't look as bad?" This time, hardly anyone is able to control their laughter. "That's it! He says, raising his fist. I simply wave my hand. His hand drops immediately. "I- I can't lift it!" He wails. "Too heavy, eh?" I ask, innocently. That was too easy. Maybe I should have made his head grow instead... "You! You did this!" He screams. " Gotta problem with it?" I ask. He squeals in delight. "Ha! So you even admit it! Wait till the principal hears about this, you'll be expelled for sure!" He exclaims. "Ya, have fun with that." I change my voice to a really high pitch, hoping to embarrass him some more. "Principal Weekly! Principal Weekly! I'm too weak to lift my hand, and it's all some new girl's fault! You should expel her right away!" Everyone laughs. "Ya, he's sure to believe that!" Someone yells. "I'm not even sure I do!" Says someone else. A bunch of other people start nodding their heads. Ah, the glamour. It works so well. I may not be remembered, but at least it was worth it.

Malec Bane LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now