Chapter 4- The Demon Side

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Alec and Magnus come running in. "What's wrong? Are you okay? Are you in pain? Are you being attacked?" They ask, panicked, in a flurry of words and panting. I take a deep breath. "No it's fine, just a bad dream. Sorry for screaming." I say, still a little shaken. Magnus comes up and puts an arm around me. "Want to talk about it?" He asks. I actually don't, but I also don't want to hurt his feelings, so I make something up. "Umm, you know how you gave your immortality to Aunt Izzy, so she could be with Uncle Simon? And how you guys are both mortal?" I ask. "Oh." He says. I think he knows where this is going. "Well, I'm not." Now tears are coming to my eyes. I'm not lying exactly, this is one of my worst fears. "No, Malec, no, don't worry about that." Alec says, coming to sit beside me. "Don't worry about it. Live the present, not the future." He says, pulling me into his arms too. "Yes, we had enough problems with that when we were dating." Says Magnus, laughing a little. "Promise you'll forget about it?" Alec asks. "Alright." I promise, in a whisper.

(2 months later)

"Nice shoes, goth boy." Urrgh! It's happening again! All these people ever do is bug that boy. I'm really getting tired of it. "What's with the black, kid? You precious goldfish die?" A bunch of people laugh. "THAT'S IT!" I scream. "I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS CRAP! WHAT DID HE EVER DO TO YOU?" With that, I get a ball of blue fire in my hands. The idiot who keeps picking on the boy looks terrified. I put on my evil grin, and I don't even hesitate. I whip the ball at him. He falls to the ground, and doesn't get back up.
When I get home, Magnus is fuming. "You did WHAT?" I try to sound as guilty as possible when I answer. To be honest, I have no shame over what I did. That idiot deserved it. "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW DANGEROUS THAT WAS? YOU COULD HAVE KILLED HIM!!! IT IS NOT OKAY TO LOSE CONTROL LILE THAT!!!" He yells. "Magnus," Alec says, "Don't be to harsh. She didn't kill him. Your right, she shouldn't let her demon part out like that, but from what I've heard, he deserved it." He says. I give him a look that says thank-you- for-saving-my butt-how-can-we-calm-him-down??? "What then, do you suggest we do?" Magnus asks, still pretty angry. "Well, I don't know, she was helping another person out, and you know, being social- socialish, so I don't really know." He says. Am I really that bad? I look at Magnus. He is still fuming. "Magnus, why don't you go cool down, and I'll deal with her." Alec suggests. Magnus almost growled in response. "Fine." He said. Then he left the loft. Alec looked at me. Then he smiled. "To be honest, I find no fault in what you did. Go to your room, that technically counts as a punishment, so that should keep Magnus happy. I'll see you tomorrow." I grin. "Thanks." I say, hugging him. Well, looking at this outcome, I wonder if I should be social more often?

The next day, after school, the boy comes up to me. "Hey." He said. "Hi." I say, not really sure what's going to happen. "Umm, I'm not really great at, well, talking to people, but thanks for doing- whatever you did back there." He says, stuttering a little. I smile. "It was really bugging me, the way they were treating you. It had to stop." I respond. He gulps, looking a little nervous. I crease my eyebrows. "What's wrong?" I ask. "Well, I have a really odd question I'd like to ask you. Do you promise not to freak out?" "No." I say. he looks a little dumbfounded, like he couldn't believe I just said that. I smirk. "But you can ask me it, I've seen somethings that are pretty weird, so I'm sure I won't." He takes a deep breath, like he's gathering up all the courage he has. "Are you human?" He asks. I tense. "What do you mean?" I say, but it's pretty clear I know. He gives me a look. "You didn't punch that kid, like everyone thought you did. I saw some sort of blue flame appear in your hand then you threw it at him, and he was knocked unconscious." I open my mouth, to say what, I don't know, because he interrupts me . "And, on the first day of school, some dude tried to punch you, and you just waved your hand and suddenly his arm was too heavy too lift. No one else seems to remember it, or sees it as something else. Are you- a- a- monster?" Is he serious? That felt great. "Oh, thanks. I feel so happy I helped you now. Aren't you a grateful little thing?" I say, with as much sarcasm as possible. He turns red. "No! No, that's not what I meant, I-" I cut him off. "Well, you better explain yourself, because so far your not doing so great." He stutters. He obviously thought this was going to go differently. Before he can embarrass himself more, I cut in. "To answer your first question, no. I am not human. I am a warlock. Any other dumb questions-I-am-not-allowed-to-freak-out-about?" He looks surprised I actually answered. I blush, because I have never told anyone else about me, only my family knows. I decide this is awkward enough. "I better be going, I think I have some chores-" I break off and start running. There are tears in my eyes. I helped him and he called me a monster! I can't stop the tears anymore. I start to sob. I don't know why I feel this way. I don't even know his name! "Hey, hey wait!" I hear him call out to me. I ignore him and keep running, but then I feel a hand lock around my wrist. "Let go of me!" I say, my voice cracking. "Hey, I didn't mean it like that. I asked that because I have seen real monsters as pretty as you are, super persuasive, and that can fool demigod boys like me really easily. I just wanted to make sure, not hurt your feelings." I hear his explanation, but I don't really process it. The only thing I really notice is that he hasn't moved his hand. It's still holding mine. And for some reason, I don't want him to move it. "Your a demigod?" I ask. I've read lots about them, they sound mostly ok. He smiles. "Yes. And by the way, my name's Nico. Nico di Angelo. What's yours?" "Malec." I say. "Malec Bane Lightwood." He looks at me, not with accusation anymore, but with curiosity. "See you tomorrow, Malec?" He asks. I smile. The tears have dried, are forgotten. "Tomorrow's Saturday. No school." I remark. He blushes. He bites his lip, like he's afraid to say what he's thinking, and I tense, afraid he will call me a monster again, or something worse. But he doesn't. "Can I- can I see you anyway?" He asks. I laugh, because he is blushing so hard, his freckles look green. "If you can find me." I say, mischievously. "What's that supposed to mean?" He asks, looking fairly confused. "I'm not telling you where I live." I say. "You're going to have to find me yourself. Don't worry though, if you look past the glamour, you'll find me pretty easily."
And with that, I run home.

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