Chapter 2- The First Class

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The bell rings. Yay. Time for class. So excited.
I check my schedule. Shoot. Math. I'm not bad at it, but it's one of the most boring classes. I mostly read during every lecture, and hope I don't get caught. But if that idiot from this morning is there, I'll get snitched on, and I might actually have to pay attention. I shudder.
I automatically look for a seat in a far corner, but someone else is there. Dam. I'll just have to go beside him.
"Hello, class." Says an annoying, high pitched voice. That'll make class more fun. "Today, we will be learning about fractions." I pull out my book, and completely tune out until the bell.
I grab the sandwich I brought from home. Finally. Lunch time. Every other subject was just welcome back, hope you had a good summer, now pull out your textbooks, blah blah blah. One thing I noticed, when I was actually looking up from my book, was that I had a lot of my classes with that boy, the one who stole my seat in the far back.
I sit alone. I notice that he does too. Well, I guess I'm not the only one who thinks school is a waste of time. I wonder if he is a mundane. He has this odd, gloomy quality about him, and seems to always be partially hidden by shadows. I wonder if it would be a good idea to go and talk to him. I decide against it. I'm actually pretty social, but I try to be as antisocial and quiet as I can at school. I don't want to ruin that, so I just sit by myself reading and eating until the bell rings for the next class.
Greek mythology. Hmm. I decide I will actually will pay attention in this subject, because I like Greek mythology, and besides, how bad can it be?
When I come in, I immediately look for the boy. It would be hard to miss him, with his 100% black outfit. I see him. I go sit next to him. I hope he doesn't notice, or think I'm odd. "Hello class." Says a kind voice. "I would like to know a bit about what you may already know about Greek mythology, and since a pop quiz in your first day back would be quite annoying, I will just ask some questions orally. My first question is, can any of you name a Greek god or goddess?" No one raises their hand. "If no one will volunteer, I'm afraid I will have to choose by myself." Still, no one raises their hand. "Fine then. How about you, young man, in the back?" He was pointing to the boy beside me. He grumbled something. "What's that?" The teacher asks. "I couldn't hear you." "Hades." He says, a little louder. Some girl snickers. "Of course. Goth boy picks Hades." She says. "Fine!" He snaps. "I'll name them all." He goes on to name them, even to most minor ones. I'm impressed. So is the teacher. The girl is not though, at least she's trying to hide it, she obviously was not expecting him to react this way. So, to boost her ego, she snickers again. "Watch him say something in greek now." So, fuming, he turns to her and says a sentence in a different language. Obviously Greek. Her mouth gapes open. I laugh. "Nice one." I mutter. He smiles a little. "Thanks." He says. Than he goes back to his seat. Thankfully, that took up most of the lesson, and soon the bell rang, signalling it was time to go home.

"How was school?" Magnus asks? "Boring, most of it." I reply. He laughs. "Most of it?" Alec asks. "Well, Greek mythology was okay. There was this kid, who was called at random to answer, right? Well, the teacher had asked him to name a Greek god, so he said Hades. So some girl was all like, of course, that's what goth boy would chose, blah blah blah, and he just whirled on her, and started rattling off ALL of them, even the super minor ones. But she was still being a pain, so she's all like well, watch him say something in greek now. And he did. The look on her face was amazing. I said somthing like that, and he's all like thanks, then he went to his seat, and since he took up the whole lesson, I came home in a good mood!" I say, really fast. "Well." Alec says. "He might be worth befriending." Alec remarks. "He would be, if I wasn't so antisocial." I reply. Magnus chokes on his coffee, trying not to laugh. Alec glares at him. "Don't encourage her." He says to Magnus. "I'm right here, ya know." I say. "Dishes. Now." Alec says. I swear under my breath. I'd watch my mouth, but I have to much fun finding amazing comebacks and loopholes. Alec says I'm a lot like my Uncle Jace, when he was my age. I told my uncle that, and he said he was proud. Aunt Clary glared at him. But he still whispered, "they secretly love it." Then he laughed softly, and I smiled. If I told anyone that we would probably get in a lot of trouble, so I haven't told anyone yet.
"Why aren't you starting?" Magnus asks. He is usually on my side, but there are times when he agrees with Alec. This is one of those times.
A few hours later, I am in bed. Well, supposed to be in bed. I get on my black dress, and sneak out of the house towards the institute. I really need to stop doing this, I'll get in a hell of a lot of trouble if I get caught, but I can't. Me and my cousin, Ella, sneak out of the house every Friday night, to go to the Pandemonium. I find her in the garden. She looks great, her sparkly silver dress clashes beautifully with her red hair and golden eyes. "You look great!" She tells me. "Thanks. Ready?" "Yeah, let's go." She replies. And we go.

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