Chapter 3- Late, again

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"Pandemonium, please." Ella tells the taxi driver. "Uh, you guys 19 yet?" He asks, not sounding too convinced. Ella gives me a look like do-the-thing. So I snap my fingers. "Of course we are! Why would you even ask?! I never want you do treat me with such disrespect again! In fact, now you will call me 'My Queen'!" I say, in a falsely annoyed and high-pitched voice. "Yes, My Queen." He replies, sounding like a zombie. Ella giggles. Okay. The whole 'My Queen' and 'height of disrespect' part wasn't exactly necessary. But when you can have the most persuasive voice ever, why not have a little fun? "We're here, My Queen." Says the taxi driver. "Thank you" Ella says. We pay the man, and get out. Ella sighs. "Ready for a night of pure awesomeness?" She asks. "Born ready!" I exclaim. We go in, and as usual, are nearly blinded by the lights.
A few hours later, at about, 2:15 in the morning, I am standing in the sidelines. Ella is out dancing with some guy she met, and probably thought was hot. She has a new date, like, every week, and she meets most of them at the Pandemonium. I, on the other hand, have hardly even looked at boys, let alone date them. The only boys I care about are fictional, but it's not like I can tell anyone.
I'm getting really bored just standing here, but I'm way to tired to keep dancing. So I decide to play a prank. I look for a couple who seem mildly 'in like' as Ella calls it, which means they are just starting to like each other, and start to form a plan in my brain. There! A pretty girl with short black hair, and a blond guy. They're dancing together, a look of curiosity on their faces like, I'm-considering-dating-you-but-I-have-to-see-your-dance-moves-first. I half-dance, half-walk towards them, until I am a few metres away. Then I snap my fingers. A look of horror passes the girl's face, when she looks at the boy. I laugh. His face is covered with three layers of clown makeup, and he looks downright scary, the girl screams and runs. The hot runs to the bathroom, probably to see what's wrong with his face. I laugh again, it was just the reaction I was looking for.
Ella comes up to me. "What time is it?" She asks- well, yells, actually. "Time to get I watch." I mutter. But I look at my watch anyway. "Shoot!" I yell! "3:15!" she gasps. "We need to leave-now!" So we do.
I get home just as Alec and Magnus are going to bed. "Crap." I say under my breath. I get changed as quick as I can, then dive in my bed as soon as Alec comes in. Thankfully, I'm quite amazing at feigning sleep, so he just kisses my forehead and whispers good night. They must have been up late watching a movie, and on Saturday, I'm usually asleep till 12:00. That was close. I close my eyes, and drift off to sleep-for real this time.

In my dream, I see the boy. Just flashes, but enough to make me want to beg at the feet of a demon to help me wake up.
I see him, sleeping in class, surrounded by shadows, as usual. Then I notice something weird. His shadow is moving, but he is not. As if it sees me staring at it, it pops out of the ground! As if it is a living substance! I look around, terrified, but no one else seems to notice. The shadow takes a step, and I move my chair away, hoping to stall for time until it goes away. But it is not coming to me. It is going to the boy. It takes steps toward him. Slow ones. I try to yell, to warn him, but no words come out. All of a sudden, the shadow lunges toward the boy and is strangling him! I scream, but no one even bats an eyelid! The boy is looking at me with pleading eyes, begging me to help him, and I'm trying, I'm screaming and kicking and punching, but no ones listening, no one will help...
I wake up screaming at the top of my lungs.

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