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"I'm very persistent," Clay's words echoed through the room.

George narrowed his eyes at the blonde as he crossed his arms over his chest and responded, "I don't care how persistent you are, I have no intention of becoming friends with you."

He knew it sounded harsh, but Clay's unwavering confidence seemed to bring out a different side of him. He hated feeling challenged, and the blonde seemed to be constantly doing just that.

George stood still in the center of his room, his gaze still fixed on Clay, who was lounging comfortably in his chair. His green eyes were fixed on George as he grinned up at him and said, "we'll see about that."

George rolled his eyes and turned away from Clay, his mind racing as he tried to land on a way to escape from the blonde. Since he couldn't even get Clay to leave his room, he doubted he would be able to sneak away easily.

George let out a frustrated breath as he reached into his pocket, fingers grazing the cover of the leather bound journal he had dropped into it earlier that morning. All he had wanted was to slip away into the woods surrounding the castle, to spend some time unbothered while he sketched in his journal.

George could feel the blonde's eyes still on him as he turned back around and met his gaze. He held the eye contact for a moment before sighing in defeat and saying, "I'm going out into the woods for a walk. I guess you can join me, if it's necessary."

"Are we going through the window or can we use the door this time?" Clay responded with a smile.

George shook his head slightly at the blonde, who was now pushing himself up out of the chair. He swiftly untied the blue cloak he had been wearing and dropped it onto the now empty seat. He would have no need to hide now that Clay was going with him.

Wordlessly, he made his way towards the bedroom door, his hand gripping the cold metal handle. Before he could pull it open, he felt a large hand cover his own. George looked over his shoulder, where Clay was standing closely behind him, his hand wrapped over George's on the handle.

"Allow me, George," Clay said in a low voice, his face just above George's shoulder, so close that the brunette could feel his warm breath on his neck.

George slid his hand out from under Clay's, his skin feeling alive with electricity where the blonde had made contact. Clay pulled the door open, and George quickly stepped through without looking back at the blonde, afraid that he would see how flustered the simple action had made him.

He heard the door close behind him as he began walking down the hallway, Clay's footsteps echoing closely behind him. They made it to one of the side doors of the castle, an exit that lead out to a winding path that cut through the woods on the way into town.

George pushed the door open, the warm spring breeze washing over him and flooding him with a sense of freedom. He always felt so confined within the walls of the castle, but stepping outside felt like finally taking a full breath, allowing him the chance to breath peacefully.

He closed his eyes for a moment, a small smile forming on his face as he basked in the warm glow of the sun. As his eyes fluttered open, he was aware of Clay's eyes searching his face with a soft but unreadable expression.

Their eyes met for just a moment, and George swore he saw a slight pink flush on the blonde's cheeks before he quickly pulled his eyes away.

"So, where are we headed?" Clay asked as he looked out into the woods.

George began walking, Clay falling into step beside him, as he answered, "no where in particular. I like to just walk around, get some fresh air."

"And you can't get fresh air in the courtyard of the castle?" Clay questioned him.

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