20/Star-Crossed Lovers or Soulmates?

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The silence was heavy between them, George's arms wrapped around Clay's torso as brown eyes searched questioning green eyes.

George knew more than anything that he wanted to kiss Clay, wanted to keep him locked up in his room for as long as he possibly could.

But he also knew that it would be a mistake.

He let his eyes drop from Clay's face as he finally said, "I don't think it's a good idea for you to kiss me, Clay."

His eyes lifted to meet Clay's, whose face melted into a look of sadness and disappointment as he quietly answered, "okay, I understand."

George retracted into his own space, an empty feeling forming in his chest as he distracted himself by reaching for Clay's injured arm. He pulled the fabric of his sleeve up to reveal the damage, his eyes scanning over a cut that was deep, but could still be covered with just a bandage.

"I'm sorry about that," George mumbled as he stepped away and began rummaging through a nearby drawer. He pulled out a roll of gauzy bandages, making his way back over to Clay and guiding him to a chair.

Clay dropped down into the chair, grinning up at George as he said, "it's okay. It means I taught you well."

George smiled down at him, rolling the bandages absentmindedly in his hands as he sat himself down in Clay's lap, his legs over the side of Clay's so he could focus on the injured arm.

Clay inhaled sharply as soon as George sat, his body tensing as George reached for his arm. George only laughed under his breath, gentle with his movements as he rolled Clay's sleeve back up and began to wrap the bandages around the cut, securing the end as soon as the wound was completely concealed.

"There, all better" George said quietly, his fingers tracing over the edge of the bandage. He ran his fingertips slowly down the length of Clay's arm, tracing over his wrist, then his palm, until their fingers were laced together.

His eyes flickered up to meet Clay's gaze, a warm smile on the blonde's face as he quietly responded, "thank you, George."

George only smiled back, a comfortable silence settling over them. And before he was able to overthink it or stop himself, George was leaning in, connecting his lips with Clay's in a gentle and familiar kiss.

It only lasted for a moment, just long enough to satisfy the urge that George just couldn't seem to shake. But as he pulled away, Clay's lips followed, his hand sliding to the back of George's neck as he pulled him in for another kiss.

This one was just as gentle and slow, but filled with all of the unspoken words that lingered between them. And when Clay pulled away, they were both smiling, eyes locked together as George quietly asked, "why does it have to be you?"

Clay leaned back in the chair, his hand brushing through George's hair before falling away as he asked, "what do you mean?"

George sighed, the heavy feeling returning in his chest as he explained, "I mean, why do you have to be the one to do it? To kill my father? Why can't it be Sapnap or someone else?"

Clay's eyes dropped as he shook his head, exhaling a long breath before responding, "it's just...I'm the most trained out of everyone. And Sapnap, well...he has other things to worry about. It's all just...complicated, George."

George rolled his eyes, pushing himself up and out of Clay's lap, his voice louder and tinged with anger as he said, "you all love to say that, don't you? It's all so complicated."

He knew his tone was mocking, his words sharp enough to cut as he turned his back to the blonde, his arms folded tightly across his chest. He heard the scrape of the wooden chair against the stone floor, the sound of footsteps echoing through the quiet room as Clay drew closer, his body hovering just behind George's as he said, "I know, George. And I'm sorry, but the less you know, the safer you'll be."

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