14/The Truth

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"Where have you been?" Clay repeated, taking a couple steps closer to George.

George refocused his attention, closing his bedroom door and taking a couple steps away from Clay.

The blonde seemed to notice how George was trying to distance himself, a somewhat confused and hurt expression crossing his face. But George ignored it; anger coursing through his whole body at just the sight of Clay.

George finally filled the tense silence, his voice quiet and shaky as he answered, "I just had something to do for my father, over on the other side of the castle."

Clay's green eyes narrowed as they stayed locked onto George, seeing right through his words as he said, "you're lying to me, George."

George shook his head, his eyes dropping down as his stomach tightened into a knot.

"George," Clay continued, his voice low, dangerous almost, "one of the other knights saw you on the path that leads into town. So please, stop lying to me and just tell me where you went."

George swallowed back his nerves, his eyes lifting to meet Clay's as he responded, "fine, I did go into town. I went back to see Sapnap."

Clay inhaled sharply, his jaw clenching in anger as he held George's gaze. He ran a hand through his blonde hair, anger flashing across his face before softening just slightly.

His voice was quiet when he spoke again, "why did you go see him?"

George felt his own anger come to life, the nerves across his skin buzzing with energy as he took a step closer to Clay, his voice loud as he responded, "why? why, Clay? Because you lied to me about why we went there. You've lied to me about everything since you've been here!"

"What are you talking about, George?" Clay asked, worry on his face as his eyebrows knit together.

George scoffed, rolling his eyes as he said, "drop the act, Clay. Sapnap told me everything."

"What do you mean, everything? What did he tell you?"

George held his gaze for a moment, his heart pounding in his chest as he searched the blonde's face. For a moment, he wished that he could take it all back; the trip into town, the conversation with Sapnap. He wanted nothing more than to let things go back to how they were just hours earlier, but they were too far gone for that now.

George sighed, sadness mixing with his anger as he quietly answered, "he told me the real reason you're here, in the castle. I know all about the plan, Clay."

Clay shook his head as if to shake away George's words, to keep the truth from settling between them. He took another step closer, reaching a hand out to George as he said, "I can explain everything, George."

George instinctively pulled away from the blonde, Clay's hand falling back to his side as a hurt expression crossed his face.

George shook his head, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes as he said, "there's nothing to explain, Clay. You lied to me, and you used me. This whole time, you were just here to get to my father."

Clay was silent for a moment, his eyes locked onto George. He inhaled slowly before he finally responded, "I didn't use you, George. I-"

"Stop lying to me!" George interrupted him, his anger bursting through his body again, "you did use me, Clay. I know what part you play in this stupid plan you and your friends thought up."

Clay's eyes dropped to the ground, and George could see that he looked ashamed, sad almost. But George refused to feel pity for him, he deserved every ounce of anger that the brunette threw his way.

After a moment, Clay quietly muttered, "I don't know what you want me to say, George."

He lifted his eyes to look at George, who held his voice steady even as tears threatened to spill from his eyes as he answered, "I just want the truth, Clay. I need to hear you say it. Are you here to kill my father, or not?"

The words hung between them, the implication of them heavy as Clay remained silent, keeping his eyes focused on George.

George took another step closer to Clay, moving through the heavy silence until he was close enough to reach out and touch the blonde as he dropped his voice low and repeated the question, "are you here to kill my father, or not, Clay?"

Clay exhaled in defeat, his voice quiet as he finally answered, "yes, I am."

George nodded, a few tears slipping from his eyes and trailing down his face. He looked up at Clay and could see tears forming in his green eyes, as well. But he kept his gaze steady, his voice even as he said, "I want you to leave, Clay."

"George, please-" Clay tried to speak, his voice shaky.

George ignored him, his voice low as he continued on, "I know my father isn't a good person, but he's the only living parent that I have. And so I need you to leave the castle."

George took a few steps back from Clay, clearing the path between the blonde and the bedroom door as he quietly said, "I don't want to see you here again, Clay."

Clay's eyes searched George's face desperately as he quickly tried to speak, "but George-"

His voice faded, the words dropping into the space between them.

"Leave, now," George said, his voice turning cold as he wiped away the last of his tears, "and stay away from my family."

This time, Clay only nodded, a few tears streaming down his face as he looked at George one final time before dropping his eyes down and quickly walking to the door.

George watched as he gripped the handle, pausing for a moment to look at George over his shoulder before turning back and silently pulling the door open. As he stepped through the doorway, George called out, "Clay!"

Clay turned, his expression somewhat hopeful as he met George's gaze.

"If anything happens to my father, I promise you that you'll pay for it."

George's expression remained cold and indifferent as Clay held his gaze for only a moment longer before wordlessly turning and leaving the room, the door falling closed behind him with a soft thud.

The minute he was alone, George fell to the floor, tears flooding from his eyes as he felt his heart break in two.

*Sorry my updates have been slow on everything, I've been feeling depressed and unmotivated but I will try to update a little bit quicker if I can 🙂

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