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It rained the day that they buried Sapnap. The sky was dark and clouded over, opening up in a relentless downpour that lasted for hours.

They brought him back to Rue's kingdom; the very first place he called home and a place where he would never be very far from the Princess he loved.

It had been one month since that day, but George could still recall it like it was yesterday.

He had stood in the rain, with Clay, Rue, and Lilyana beside him, tears streaming down their faces and mixing with the raindrops. He had clutched a handful of white lilies in his trembling hands, and when it was time for them to leave, he kneeled before the grave and laid them down gently, his voice a quiet whisper for only Sapnap to hear as he said, "I'll see you again someday, Sapnap."

Only this time, the words were a promise shared between friends.

The rain had only just begun to let up, and as he rose to leave, his eyes lifted to catch a few rays of golden sunshine peaking out from between the gray clouds. And for the first time in a while, he was able to smile. Because to George, it was a sign that Sapnap had heard him, that he was watching over them.

It had been strange for George, saying goodbye. He hadn't even known Sapnap for that long; he had never gotten the chance to really get to know him, to learn all of the things that had made him who he was.

"He was brave and selfless in the end, that's all that matters."

Those were words spoken by Rue, in the confusing and difficult days after Sapnap's death, when they were all still recovering and mourning their losses together. And that's how George would always remember him; a man who was brave and selfless, a true friend up until the very last moments of his life, a man who had not only sacrificed his life for Clay, but for an entire kingdom of people.

The month that followed was a strange and difficult one; one in which the days were dark and blended together, days in which they all grappled to come to terms with their new realities. Rue remained at the castle with them, and together they bonded and healed.

Eventually, the tears had turned into smiles, and Rue and Clay were both able to share their stories of Sapnap. There were plenty to go around, and George cherished the nights they all spent together, his head on Clay's shoulder as they shared in their memories.

Now, exactly one month to the day, George stood alone in his room yet again. He was nervous, and his fingers trembled as they moved to button up his white ruffled shirt. He heard a knock at his door before it creaked open, and he smiled as Clay strode into the room; it was as if he had never even left.

Clay approached him, his steady hands moving to replace George's shaky ones as he fastened the final button of the brunette's shirt, a smile on his face as he said, "you look handsome, George."

George smiled back, mumbling a quiet thank you before saying, "you're not supposed to be in here, Clay."

His tone was light and playful, his words only half serious. He cherished every moment he got to spend with Clay, it was something he would never take for granted again after everything they had been through.

Clay laughed quietly, moving one of his hands to tilt George's face up towards him as he answered, "I know, I just wanted to see you."

George pressed up onto his toes, planting a soft kiss against Clay's lips before pulling back and smiling up at him.

Clay smiled back, his hands moving to intertwine with both of George's as he dropped his eyes and quietly said, "actually, there's something I wanted to ask you about."

George nodded, humming in response as he gave the blonde's hands a gentle squeeze as encouragement to continue speaking. But Clay remained quiet for a moment, his eyes searching the floor before he finally looked up and quietly started, "the night that..."

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