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*TW: NSFW, smut

A rush of excitement ran down George's spine, despite how nervous he was feeling. He had wanted this to happen for quite a while, to feel Clay's lips against his own. Despite how often he thought about it, he could never have imagined it feeling as perfect or as good as it did in real life.

George let his hands move to Clay's hair, his fingers running through the soft waves slowly as Clay continued to kiss him. Clay's hands were still on George's waist, but George wanted to savor every bit of the moment, to let his hands explore as much of Clay as they could while he had the chance.

He had no way of knowing whether this was just a one time occurrence for the blonde, a moment of temptation spurred on by the alcohol they had enjoyed on their picnic. But George didn't care, he was too lost in the moment to give it too much thought.

He moved his hands to Clay's chest, his fingers trailing down his torso slowly until he reached the edge of his shirt. George played with the edge of the fabric for a minute, finally overcoming his nerves and letting his hands move underneath the fabric, fingers grazing softly against warm bare skin.

Clay inhaled at the contact and George felt him bite gently on his lower lip, so he parted his lips, allowing the blonde to slip his tongue into George's mouth.

George's hands continued to roam before moving back down and gripping the edge of the fabric. He pulled away from the kiss for a moment, his hands moving to pull the shirt up and over Clay's head as his eyes followed the line of exposed skin.

George took a moment to let his eyes wander over Clay's torso, his face warming slightly as his eyes lifted to meet the blonde's. Clay grinned down at him for just a moment before pulling George back in, his tongue slipping back into George's mouth as soon as their lips met.

George laced his hands back into Clay's hair, the blonde's grip tightening slightly as he guided George over to the bed. Clay broke away from the kiss, looking down at George questioningly as his eyes glanced over at the bed.

George smiled up at him, placing both hands against Clay's chest as he gently pushed him closer to the bed, Clay climbing onto the mattress with a smile as George climbed on top of him.

George reached down, his hands gripping the bottom edge of his shirt as he pulled it off. Clay's hands drifted slowly from his waist to explore the expanse of newly exposed skin, the feeling of his hands sending waves of warmth crashing through George's body.

George let the blonde's hands move across his body for a moment before leaning down and reconnecting their lips, Clay's hands settling back on the brunette's waist.

As they kissed, George couldn't seem to keep his nerves at bay. He had never been in this situation before, he wasn't sure of what he should do next, even.

He pulled out of the kiss, looking down at Clay, slightly embarrassed, as he quietly said, "I've never-I've never done this before, Clay."

Clay gave him a reassuring smile as he responded, "that's okay, George. Am I moving too fast? Do you want me to stop?"

George shook his head, the only thing he was really sure of was that he most definitely did not want Clay to stop.

Clay laughed quietly, gently squeezing George's waist as he continued, "okay. Don't worry about it too much, George. Remember, I'm a good teacher."

He flashed George a confident grin that earned a small laugh from the brunette, before sliding a hand to the back of George's neck and pulling him back into the kiss.

George felt the blonde's hands move to his waist, and he followed Clay's lead as he began guiding him to move his hips back and forth slowly against Clay's hips.

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