17/Fractured Relationships

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The muffled sound of a hand knocking against a wooden door pulled George from the dazed trance he seemed to be continually falling into. The sound grounded him, bringing him back to reality as he pushed himself up from his chair, taking a quick glance at himself in his mirror to see that his eye was even more swollen than the day before; the skin surrounding it tender and bruised, the white of his eye lined with red.

He could only sigh, resigned to accept that he would receive countless questioning stares for days to come.

He placed the mirror down on the table, swiftly making his way to the door of his room and pulling it open. Lilyana stood there, a bright smile lighting up her face, a couple of her maids along with George's old knight Holden standing just behind her.

"Good morning, George," Lilyana spoke with a cheerful tone, one that was completely opposite to the dreadful feeling that was currently residing deep in George's stomach.

George just barely forced a smile back, stepping out into the hallway as he mumbled a chorus of good mornings to his sister and the small group that would be accompanying them into town.

He fell into step beside Lilyana as they started down the hallway, listening to her chirp happily beside him as they walked, "I'm so excited to go into town! I can't remember the last time we went."

George felt himself nodding, his voice distant to his own ears as he responded, "it has been a while."

As they exited out of the castle, warm sunlight washed over them, a gentle breeze rustling through the trees, birds chirping happily above. It was a perfect day, but George could only feel panic and nerves coursing through his body.

He ran a shaky hand through his brunette hair, taking a deep steadying breath as Lilyana turned to face him.

"Is everything okay, George? You've been quiet this morning," she asked quietly, not wanting to be overhead by the group who was following behind at a short distance.

George sighed under his breath, lies forming easily in his mind as he spoke, "I'm fine, just a little tired. I didn't sleep too well last night, and I have an awful headache."

His fingers moved to trace over the bruising on his face, wincing slightly as he made contact. Lilyana nodded in understanding, a gentle expression on her face as she said, "of course. It looks painful, even worse than yesterday. Are you sure you shouldn't see the doctor about it?"

George shook his head immediately, the idea too absurd to even consider. He couldn't imagine having to explain to the doctor employed under his father exactly how he had obtained the bruising, or why his father felt the need to discipline him in the first place.

"It's okay, Lily," George responded, "it looks worse than it feels."

George hated how easily the lies came, guilt forming in the pit of his stomach. He never lied to Lilyana, never felt the need to before this. But he was able to convince himself that every lie he told her was for her own good, to provide some sort of protection for her.

The remainder of the walk was spent in silence, nerves coursing back through George's body as the town came into sight before them. Buildings loomed up over them, people trailing through the streets; all of it a painful reminder to George of everything that was currently wrong in his life.

As they entered into the town, George's gaze shifted to watch Lilyana as she took in her surroundings, her eyebrows furrowing as she muttered, "it's a lot different than I remember. Much more...empty, I suppose."

"Well, you haven't been since you were very young," George responded.

Lilyana only nodded, but the look on her face told George that she remained unconvinced, her eyes searching the near desolate streets with a worried look.

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