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*JUST A GENERAL WARNING - it's about to get very angsty besties*

George waited until nightfall, sneaking out of his room as soon as the moon shone through the clear night sky. He hadn't seen Clay since they had returned to the castle, and although it was unusual, George was grateful to not have anyone notice him slipping out the side door and into the woods.

He hurriedly made his way down the path that led into town, keeping the hood of his long cape pulled up, the fabric wrapped tightly around his body as if he could conceal himself from any curious eyes that could be watching.

The town was desolate as he entered, only a couple people walking the streets on their way home from long days of work. George kept his head down, retracing the steps he had taken with Clay earlier that day, until he found himself at the house on the corner.

George stepped up to the door, his body buzzing with nerves as he raised a hand to knock. He hesitated for a moment, his hand hanging in the air before finally connecting with the wooden door. He knocked three times, just as Clay had done, then took a step back and waited, his breath caught in his lungs and his heart pounding wildly in his chest.

After what felt like a lifetime to George, the door finally pulled open, an unfamiliar man with long, pink, braided hair peering out.

George hadn't even considered that anyone other than Sapnap would answer, and he took a nervous step away from the door as he said, "oh, I'm sorry. I'm looking for Sapnap. Is he here?"

The man's eyes scanned over George, the silence heavy between them as he wordlessly stepped away from the door, pulling it open as he retreated into the house. Unsure of what to do, George nervously stepped through the doorway and into the front room of the house, hovering by the still open door.

He waited a moment, and breathed a small sigh of relief when he saw Sapnap walking down a hallway towards him.

Sapnap's eyebrows were knit together in confusion as he looked past George and out into the empty street, quickly asking, "where's Dream, er sorry-Clay?"

George shook his head slightly as he answered, "he's not here, I came alone. I wanted to talk to you."

Sapnap exhaled sharply, closing the front door and leading George into a small kitchen as he said, "if this is about earlier, then I should apologize. I didn't mean to come across as rude, I just didn't expect Clay to bring you along. It's nothing personal."

Sapnap motioned towards an empty chair, and George sat down as he responded, "Clay said the same thing, "it's nothing personal", but you seemed to really not like me. Not that you even know me."

Sapnap turned his back to George, busying himself at the counter as he prepared some tea.

George kept his eyes fixed on him, his hands fiddling nervously in his lap as Sapnap spoke, "I guess what I mean to say is, my anger isn't directed towards you, George. It's directed more towards your father, and I just took it out on the wrong person. So I really am sorry."

Sapnap turned back towards the table, two cups in hand as he slid into the seat across from George. He passed a cup over to him before taking a long sip from his own.

George took a small sip, the hot liquid warming his body almost instantly. He kept his eyes focused on his cup as he quietly said, "I see."

George stayed quiet for a moment, searching his mind for the right way to ask for answers to all the unanswered questions that plagued him. He decided it was best to start small and ease his way into the conversation.

"How do you know Clay?" George asked, his eyes lifting to meet Sapnap's steady gaze.

Sapnap took a deep breath before answering, "he came to live with my family a while ago, after his parents died. He's basically like a brother to me."

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