12/A Trip to Town

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Morning turned into afternoon, and George's worries slipped away as quickly as the hours spent with Clay out in the clearing.

He was lying on his back in the grass, his head resting on Clay's lap as he looked up at the late afternoon sky, his brown eyes following clouds as they slowly floated past.

Clay was leaning back against the tree, his eyes also lifted up towards the sky, his fingers running lazily through George's hair as his voice broke through the peaceful silence.

"I should probably get you back up to the castle soon, George."

George turned his head slightly to look up at Clay as he answered, "why? I'd rather stay out here with you."

Clay was quiet for a moment, his eyes searching the sky as he thought over his response. George kept his eyes on him, a questioning look on his face as he waited for him to speak.

Finally, Clay sighed quietly and said, "I'd like to stay out here too but I have something to do in town."

George pushed himself up, turning to face Clay with an excited expression and a smile as he said, "so take me with you. I haven't been to town in so long, my father never really took us after my mother died."

Clay's eyes focused on George, and the brunette was surprised to see that he wasn't quite as excited by the idea as George was. He looked indifferent, contemplating it silently to himself as George's smile began to fade.

"What's wrong? You don't want me to go with you?" George asked.

Clay shook his head quickly, exhaling before saying, "it's not that, George. I just don't think it's a good idea. The town, it's not how you remember it being."

George's eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. It had been a long time, but how much could the town have really changed?

Before he could question it, Clay continued, "it's just that the King, he doesn't care about the people in the same way your mother did. The town has been neglected ever since she died, and a lot of people are poor and struggling."

"Oh," George answered quietly, "I guess I didn't realize."

His eyes dropped down to the grassy space between them as he thought over Clay's words. He knew his father wasn't the greatest leader, but George hadn't ever considered that he could neglect an entire town of people who depended on him.

It was just another thing to add to the list of growing responsibilities and concerns.

Clay reached out a hand, lacing his fingers with George's as he said, "it's okay, George. You're not king yet, so how could you have known?"

George's eyes flickered back up to meet Clay's as he said, "I'm going to be king someday though, whether I like it or not. I can't be oblivious to things like this. It's all the more reason I should go with you."

Clay sighed again, pulling his hand away from George and running it through his blonde waves before saying, "I don't know. I'm just stopping in to see a couple friends, I won't even be there that long."

George searched Clay's face for a moment, the silence hanging heavily between them. He couldn't shake the feeling that it seemed like Clay was trying to hide something from him.

"Clay, if you don't want me to go, just say it. You're acting weird."

Clay stayed silent for another moment, a small smile finally forming on his face as he responded, "I'm sorry, you can come with me if you really want to."


For most of the walk into town, Clay was quiet, his hands fidgeting nervously as George stole small glances at him.

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