10/Princess Rue

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George woke later than normal the following morning. He had slept well, and woke to memories of what had occurred just hours earlier.

As he lay in bed, he could feel Clay's arm wrapped around his waist, his breath steady and even against the back of his neck as the blonde slept peacefully behind him.

George wanted nothing more than to lay there all day wrapped up in Clay's arms, but he knew he had to get up. He couldn't risk anyone finding out about what had happened between the two, especially not on the day that Princess Rue was coming to visit. And if word ever got back to his father, he couldn't even bare to think of what would happen.

George slid out from under Clay's arm slowly, reaching for the clothes he had discarded on the floor the night before. He pulled them on quickly, running his hands through his sleep disheveled hair in an attempt to neaten it.

He turned back towards the bed, a small smile on his face as he took in the sleeping blonde before making his way over to the bed, his hand on Clay's shoulder as he gently shook him awake.

Clay's eyes opened slowly, scanning the room before finally settling on George with a small, tired smile.

"Morning," Clay said quietly, his voice rough with sleep as he rubbed his eyes.

George tried desperately to ignore the electricity that shot down his spine at just the sound of Clay's voice, his eyes focusing on the blonde as he replied, "good morning, Clay. You need to get up, it's late."

Clay rolled onto his back, his eyes squeezing shut again as he shook his head a couple times while mumbling, "I don't want to, I'm tired."

George laughed, warmth flooding his chest for only a moment. He swallowed hard, the feeling disappearing just as quickly as he spoke again, his tone more serious this time, "Clay, come on. Rue is coming to visit today, and I can't have anyone finding you in here...like this..."

The weight of George's words settled in the silence between them, Clay's eyes snapping open to meet his with an unreadable expression.

Wordlessly, Clay pushed himself up and out of the bed, brushing past George as he gathered his clothes and pulled them on. George kept his eyes trained on the floor in front of him, unsure of the words that could ease the sudden tension.

His chest fluttered nervously as Clay turned to look at him, his expression still unreadable until a quiet sigh escaped from his lips, his face melting into something friendlier, something more familiar to the brunette.

George gave him a small smile, a wordless apology that he hoped the blonde would accept. To his relief, Clay returned the smile, making his way back over to George in a few strides, his hands settling easily on the brunette's waist.

George allowed himself to be pulled in, his face tilting upwards as he moved his hands to Clay's shoulders while quietly saying, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-I only meant-"

He was cut off by Clay as he leaned closer, his lips pressing to George's in a soft kiss that pushed all of the worry right out of George's mind.

Clay pulled away, looking down at George with a soft expression as he said, "it's okay, George. You don't need to explain anything to me, I understand what you meant. I know that this is...complicated."

George only nodded in response, his mind focusing on the lingering feeling of Clay's lips on his own, a feeling that seemed to make things less complicated, at least for a moment.

One of Clay's hands moved to brush strands of brunette hair away from George's forehead, his lips connecting with the newly exposed skin in a parting kiss before he pulled away completely, his hands falling away from George's waist.

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